Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!samsung!think!linus!community-chest!mitchell From: mitchell@community-chest.uucp (George Mitchell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CASE - The Emperor has no clothes on! Keywords: CASE rubbish Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Jun 90 16:51:24 GMT References: <37538@genrad.UUCP> <> <37560@genrad.UUCP> Sender: Reply-To: (George Mitchell) Organization: MITRE-McLean Software Engineering Laboratory Lines: 22 In article <37560@genrad.UUCP> charlie@genrad.genrad.COM (Charlie D. Havener) wrote: `There have been several requests for further references on CRC cards. `CRC stands for Class name, responsibilities, collaborators. See OOPSLA `Proceedings 1989 pages 1-6. This is the original paper as far as I know. `It is by Kent Beck, and Ward Cunningham and is entitled "A Laboratory `for Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking". Also see pp. 71-76, "Object-Oriented Design: A Responsibility-Driven Approach", by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Brian Wilkerson. `The best description I have read is in a soon to be published text on Object `Oriented Programming by tim budd, department of computer science, `oregon state university, corvallis, oregon 97331. He devotes Chapter 2 to the `method. He has used it in his course at Oregon State. I like the new `Grady Booch text on OOD but was suprised that he made no mention of the `CRC method. Also nearing publication by Prentice-Hall is _Designing_ Object-Oriented_Software_ by the same authors as above. - /s/ George vmail: 703/883-6029 email: [alt:] snail: GB Mitchell, MITRE, MS Z676, 7525 Colshire Dr, McLean, VA 22102