Path: utzoo!mnetor!tmsoft!torsqnt!!!ists!yunexus!jenkin From: (Michael Jenkin) Newsgroups: Subject: CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL VISION IN HUMANS AND ROBOTS Message-ID: <19465@yunexus.YorkU.CA> Date: 27 Dec 90 23:11:26 GMT Sender: news@yunexus.YorkU.CA Organization: York University, Toronto, Ont. Lines: 113 CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL VISION IN HUMANS AND ROBOTS YORK UNIVERSITY, NORTH YORK, CANADA JUNE 18TH to 22ND 1991 Tentative Programme June 18: 6:00 - 10:00 pm Buffet Reception June 19: Six talks on Robotics June 20: Four talks on Vision, two on Robotics June 21: Four talks on Vision, three on Robotics Evening Banquet June 22: Three talks on Vision Barbecue Lunch and Social Tentative List of Speakers Danna Ballard Ken Nakayama J. R. Bergen Alex Pentland Michael Brady Tomaso Poggio Patrick Cavanaugh David Regan John Daugman Whitman Richards Karen DeValois John Tsotsos David Heeger Hugh Wilson Geoffrey Hinton Alan Yuille Allan Jepson Steven Zucker Bela Julesz Stanley Klein Registration Fee $50.00 Canadian ($20.00 for students) if paid by May 15th. $60.00 Canadian ($25.00 for students) if paid after May 15th. Meals Meals will be available in the University dining halls or off campus. There will be a banquet on June 21st for which advance payment of $25.00 Canadian is required by May 15th. Accommodations Accommodations will be available in the Colleges of York University at approximately $30 to $35 per person per night, or at La Strada Hotel at approximately $51.00 per person per night (single or double). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL VISION IN HUMANS AND ROBOTS Registration Form NAME:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I enclose payment for registration fee $__________________(CDN) I enclose payment for ____ banquet tickets $______________(CDN) Please book the following rooms (no deposit required) College single Hotel single Hotel double Tuesday June 18th _____ _____ _____ Wednesday June 19th _____ _____ _____ Thursday June 20th _____ _____ _____ Friday June 21st _____ _____ _____ POSTERS: Facilities could be available for Posters to be displayed if there is sufficient interest. Would you be interested in presenting a Poster?_____________ Please return this form to: Ian P. Howard 103 Farquharson Building York University North York, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3. *Registration and banquet fees should be in Canadian Dollars by Check or Money Order payable to York University. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Jenkin York University jenkin@yetti.uucp jenkin@yuyetti.bitnet