Xref: utzoo comp.research.japan:44 comp.ai:8300 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!sun-barr!cs.utexas.edu!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!ncar!noao!arizona!rick From: rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) Newsgroups: comp.research.japan,comp.ai Subject: Kahaner Report: Pacific Rim Conf. on AI, Nagoya Message-ID: <28962@megaron.cs.arizona.edu> Date: 28 Dec 90 20:12:06 GMT Sender: rick@cs.arizona.edu Followup-To: comp.research.japan Lines: 581 Approved: rick@cs.arizona.edu [Dr. David Kahaner is a numerical analyst visiting Japan for two years under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research-Asia (ONR/Asia). The following is the professional opinion of David Kahaner and in no way has the blessing of the US Government or any agency of it. All information is dated and of limited life time. This disclaimer should be noted on ANY attribution.] [Copies of previous reports written by Kahaner can be obtained from host cs.arizona.edu using anonymous FTP.] To: Distribution From: David K. Kahaner Re: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence '90, 14-16 November, 1990, Nagoya Japan. 27 Dec 1990 ABSTRACT. This conference, in English, brought together researchers from 19 countries, Japan, Canada, Singapore, China, U.S., Australia, Vietnam India, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sweden, and New Zealand. Topics included Human interfaces, Machine learning, Expert systems, Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge representation, Robotics, Machine architecture and software for AI, Intelligent CAI, Natural languages, Reasoning, Perception, Signal understanding, Character recognition, Feature extraction, and Image processing, I was out of Japan at that time and did not attend but would be greatful for summaries and evaluations from any of those who did. Below is a list of the papers that were presented. Copies of the proceedings can be obtained from the Pricai '90 Secretatiat c/o Inter Group Corp. Akasaka Yamakatsu Building 8-5-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107 Japan Tel: (03) 479-5535, Fax: (03) 479-7433 KEYNOTE SPEECH Invitation to Knowledge Science Setsuo Ohsuga (University of Tokyo) INVITED SPEECHES Perspectives of Telephone Interpretation Research Akira Kurematsu (ATR) Situated Reasoning and Rational Behaviour Michael Georgeff (AAII) Some Problems and Non-Problems of Hypothetical Reasoning Randy Goebel (University of Alberta) PANEL DISCUSSIONS Expert Systems in the Nineties Chairman: Hiroshi Motoda (Hitachi) Panelists: Randy Goebel (University of Alberta), Se June Hong (IBM), Mitsuru Ishizuka (University of Tokyo), David Israel (SRI), Shigenobu Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Tech.) AI Research in Pacific Rim Countries Chairman: Setsuo Ohsuga (University of Tokyo) Panelists: Koichi Furukawa (ICOT), Michael Georgeff (AAII), David Israel (SRI), Young Hwan Lim (ETRI), Juzar Motiwalla (National University of Singapore), Vilas Wuwongse (Asian Institute of Tech.), Zhou Yuanging (Tsinghua University) TECHNICAL SESSIONS (Presentations of Submitted Papers) Human Interface and Cognitive Model PAL: An Intelligent Help System Jane Silber (Teijin Ltd., Japan) Development of a Voice Inteface for Expert Systems Takashi Gomi, Ann Griffith (Applied AI Systems, Inc., Canada) A Computational Model of First Language Acquisition Nobuo Satake (University of Tokyo, Japan) Task-Oriented Dialogue as a Consequence of Joint Activity Philip R. Cohen, Hector J. Levesque, Jos, H.T. Nunes, Sharon L. Oviatt (SRI International, U.S.A.) Sheltering under a Tree: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Idealisation in Model Building Mandy Haggith (Criffith University, Australia) A Case-Based Reasoning System for Intelligent Information Retrieval Hajime Ase, Shigenobu Kobayashi (NKK Corporation, Japan) An EBL System for Acquiring Conceptual Design Knowledge from Value Engineering Perspectives Osamu Katai, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Sosuke Iwai (Kyoto University, Japan) Towards Unifying EBL and SBL to Solve Imperfect Theory Problems Masayuki Yamamura, Jian Guo, Shigenoru Kobyashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) An Incremental Knowledge Refinement System Based on Search, Task, and Domain Strategy Takahira Yamaguchi (Shizuoka University, Japan) Toward Computer Aided Creation Koichi Hori, Setsluo Ohsuga (University of Tokyo, Japan) Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition (2) Concept Formation by Interaction of Related Objects Ken-ichi Handa (Electrotechnical Laboratory , Japan) General-to-Specific and Specific-to-General Algorithms in the Cabro Concept Learning Method Ho Tu Bao (National Centre for Scientific Research of Vietnam, Vietnam) Adaptive Compensation for Inadequate Learnaing Concept Using Domain Knowledge Masahiro Abe (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) A Plausible Acquisition-Model for Semantic Synthesis of Patterns B. Shekar, M. Narashimha Murty, G. Krishna (Indian Institute of Science, India) ERIC: An Algorithm for Learning Concepts from Examples Pang, Wanlin (GMD FS. INFOW, F.R.G.) Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition (3) A System of Practical Linquistic Knowledge Acquisition in Japanese Language Yoshiyuki Kotani (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) Iteractive Rule Induction Procedures Nitin Indurkhya, Sholom M. Weiss (Rutgers University, U.S.A.) Improving Man-Machine Interaction in Learning Regular Sets by Inverse Resolution Seiichiro Sakurai, Makoto Haraguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Connectionist Concept Learning in a Structural Domain Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy, Japan) Knowledge Base of Intelligent Assembling Robot and Planning of Assembly Sequences He Jing, Lin Yaorui, Wang Jiaqin (Tsinghua University, China) Intelligent CAI TEDDI: An ITS for Definitions Learning Lydia Nicaud, Violaine Prince (LIMSI Language et Cognition, France) APLUSIX: A Learning Environment for Acquiring Strategic Knowledge in Algebra Nicaud Jean-Francois, Aubertin Christian, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Saidi Mustapha, Wach (Universite de PARIS XI, France) A Rational Reconstruction of the Diagnostic Process in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Marta Cialdea, Alessandro Micarelli, Daniele Nardi, James C. Spohrer, Luigia Aiello (Universita degli studi di Roma "La sapienza", Italy) Expert Systems (1) Process Planning Expert System Based on Design Modeling Yasuyuki Maeda, Katsuya Shinohara (NEC Corporation, Japan) Terminal Relocation Scheduling Expert System - An Optimized Solution by Object Oriented Programming Michimasa Shizawa, Nobuyuki Matsuda, Ryuji Kudo (Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan) CHARME: A Constraint Oriented Approach to Scheduling and Resource Allocation Dominique Sciamma, Joel Gay (Bull KK, Japan) Horizontal and Vertical Cooperation by Multi-Agents for Dynamic Planning Sachiyo Arai, Shigenobu Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Expert Systems (2) Decision Support System Based on Incomplete and Uncertain Information Toshiyuki Tajima, Masaya Ichikawa (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan) A Knowledge-Based Technical Analysis System for Financial Decision- Making Chizuko Yasunobu, Tetsuya Maruoka, Kazuhide Shigemi, Makoto Shimazaki (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan) Some Experiments in the Use of Expert Systems for Legislation and Regulations Victor B. Ciesielski (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia) A Fuzzy System for Analysing Costumer's Price Daxin Wang (Economic Information Center of Fujian, China) Expert Systems (3) An Adaptive Model-Based Diagnostic System Yoshiyuki Koseki, Yoichiro Nakakuki, Midori Tanaka (NEC Corporation, Japan) An Extension of Expert Systems into Unfamiliar Territory: The Intelligent Planning Machine Ray Wyatt (The University of Melbourne, Australia) Knowledge-Based Placement and Routing System for Printed Circuit Board Hiroyuki Yoshimura, Masayuki Tsuchida, Youko Ohiwa, Yuuichi Nishimura, Shinji Miura, Hirokazu Uemura, Hideo Aoe (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan) A Hypothetical Reasoning System with Constraint Handling Mechanism and its Application to Circuit-Block Synthesis Toshiro Makino, Mitsuru Ishizuka (University of Tokyo, Japan) An Expert System for Verification of Switching Sequences at Electric Power Substation. - Simulation of Electric Power System by OOPS Tsunehiko Suzuki, Michimasa Shizawa, Ryuji Kudo (Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan) Expert Systems (4) Model Based Intelligent Process Monitoring and Diagnosis - An Application for a Co-Generation Plant Koji Okuda, Nobuji Miyasaka (Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Japan) Artificial Intelligence Applications to Electric Power Plants On-Line Diagnostics M.A. Moradian, P.L. Wilhelm, S.S. Palusamy (Diagnostic Operations Westinghouse PGBU, U.S.A.) A Self-Learning Expert System for Grinding Vibration Diagnosis Yi Han, Tetsutaro Hoshi (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan) A Flexible Configuration Expert System Strategy Applied to Telephony Equipment Shane Morris, Robert Begg (Best Knowledge Systems, Australia) Forming-Sequence Design Expert System for Multistage Cold Forging: FOREST-D O. Takata, A. Danno, K. Nakanishi, T. Yamazaki (Toyota Central Resarch and Development Laboratories, Inc., Japan) Expert System (5) MULTIS: A Task-Analysis Interview System Based on Prestored Problem Solving Models Yuri Adrian Tijerino, Tadahiro Kitahashi, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osamu Kakusho (Osaka University, Japan) Developing a Guideline for Expert System Evaluation - A Midterm Report Takao Terano, Hideo Kongoji, Shouzou Kaji, Kinko Yamamoto (The University of Tsukuba, Japan) The BAMBOO Algorithm. A Tree-less Automatic Expert System Generator Ross Peter Clement (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan) MTreat: A New Parallel Algorithm for Production Systems on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors Akio Shinohara, Yasushi Nakauchi, Yuichiro Anzai (Keio University, Japan) Press-A Skeletal Expert System Based on a Noval Inference Strategy Yuan Zhiguo, Dong Zegang, Wen Chuanyuan (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China) AI Support A Software Engineering Tool with Natural Language User Interface Koji Takeda, David N. Chin, Isao Miyamoto (University of Hawaii, U.S.A.) A Dynamically-Adaptive User-Interface for Analytical Expert-Systems Shigeo Kaneda (NTT Communications and Information Processing Laboratories, Japan) Expert System for Injection Molding Machine to Support Stable Condition During Long Time Production Yoshiharu Inaba, Shinsuke Sakakibara, Takayuki Taira, Motohiro Nagaya, Hiroshi Watanabe (Fanuc Ltd., Japan) Natural Languages: Dialogue A Dialogue Analyzing Method Using a Dialogue Model Atsuko Doi, Hideki Kashioka, Makoto Hirai, Tadahiro Kitahashi (Osaka University, Japan) Explanation Dialogues: Allowing MUltiple Question Types to Influence the Resulting Explanation Structure Efstratios Sarantions, Peter Johnson (University of London, U.K.) Anaphora Resolution Based on Context Model in Database-Oriented Discourse Asanee Kawtrakul, Yasuyoshi Inagaki (Nagoya Univesity, Japan) A Computational Model of an Intelligent Agent for Natural Language Dialogue Systems Ichiro Ohsawa (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan) Natural Languages: Machine Translation A Model of a Transfer Process Using Combinations of Translation Rules Hideo Watanabe (IBM Research, Tokyo Research laboratory, Japan) A Study on the Development of the Korean to Japanese Machine Translation System Sung-ho Oh, Soon-hi Song, Masami Watanabe, Sang-ki Lee, Won Chang Si-hae Yoo, Do-sam Hwang, Dong-in Park (Fujitsu Korea Ltd., Korea) A Study on the Sematic Case of the Korean Language in Generating a Universal Grammar in Machine Translation Lee Chan Kyu (Chung Ang University, Korea) A Cognitive Treatment of Aspect in Japanese and Chinese Machine Translation Miao-Ling Hsieh, June-Jei Kuo (Matsushita Electric Institute of Technology, Taipei, Co., Ltd., Taiwan) Natural Languages: Parsing An Efficient Parallel Paring Algorithm of Context-Free Grammars Tsunenori Mine, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Makoto Amamiya (Kyushu University, Japan) A Prolog Based Semantic Parser for Malay Language Ahmad Zaki Abu Baker (Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia) A Korean Analysis System Based on Unification and Chart Hyuk-Chul Kwon, Aesun Yoon, Yung-Taek Kim (Pusan National University, Korea) Japanese Sentences Analysis Utilizing Mutually Connected Neural Network Naoto Takahashi, Shunichi Itahashi (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Grammar Writing Language (GWL) in MATES-EK C.J. Kweon, K.S. Choi, G.C. Kim (Korea Advanced Insitute of Science and Technology, Korea) Natural Languages: Disambiguation A Natural Language Understanding System Based on an Integrated Parsing Engine IPE Xuemin Liu, Toyoaki Nishida, Shuji Doshita (Kyoto University, Japan) An Information-Based Parsing Model for Resolving Lexical Ambiguities Ka-Wai Chui (Matsushita Electric Institute of Technology, Taipei, Co., Ltd., Taiwan) Use of Knowledge in a Semantic Network for Guiding Natural Language Parsing Dongyul Ra, George C. Stockman (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea) Syntactic Constraints on the Interrogative in Japanese - A Model for Predicate Structure in Japanese Hiroshi Sano, Fumiyo Fukumoto (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT), Japan) Parallel Semantic Disambiguation for Unification-Based Grammars Seigo Yasutome, Alfredo M. Maeda, Jun-ichi Aoe (University of Tokushima, Japan) Natural Languages: Semantic Processing A Semantic Structure Description Model of General Concepts in a Natural Language World Eiji Kawaguchi, Masahiro Wakiyama, Koichi Nozaki (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) The Automatic Extraction of Conceptual Items from Bilingual Dictionaries Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Situation Assessment through Script Matching Seok Won Kim, Jin-Hyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) Interpretation of Natural Language Queries on the Basis of a Semantic Data Model Yuusuke Uehara, Toyohide Watanabe, Yuuji Yoshida, Teruo Fukumura (Nagoya University, Japan) Natural Language Understanding System with Concept Hierarchy Hiroshi Isahara, Shun Ishizaki (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan) Natural Languages: Application The Construction and Evaluation of ECON--An English Text Condensing System Irving W. Miller, Jun Ibuki, Fumihito Nishino (Fujitsu Laboratories and the University of Utah, Japan) Hangul Spelling and Word-Spacing Checker Using the Connectivity Information Y.H. Cho, J.W. Kang, K.S. Choi, G.C. Kim (Korea Advanced Insitute of Science and Technology, Korea) Japanese Text-to-Speech Conversion System Hiroki Kamanaka, Takashi Yazu, Keiichi Chihara, Makoto Morito (Oki Electric Ind. Co., Ltd., Japan) Reasoning: Circumscription Prioritized Predicate Completion Atsushi Togashi, Ben-Hui Hou, Shoichi Noguchi (Tohoku University, Japan) A Query Transormation for Computing Predicate Circumscription Kouji Iwanuma, Masateru Haruo, Shoichi Noguchi (Yamanashi University, Japan) A New and Simple Method for Explicit Computation of A Circumscription Jianhua Chen, Sukhamay Kundu (Louisiana State University, U.S.A.) The Macro-Event Calculus: Representing Temporal Granularity Chris Evans (University of London, U.K.) Reasoning: Formal Reasoning Abuductive Solutions to Temporal Projection Problems Murray Shanahan (Imperial College, U.K.) Closure + Minimization Implies Abduction Draft-Draft-Draft Kurt Konolige (SRI International, U.S.A.) Jigsaw Puzzle Matching by Assumption-Based TMS Kazuhiko Nagao, Naohiro Ishii (Yuge Mercantile Marine College, Japan) On Assumption Reasoning in Multi-Reasoner System Wang XianChang, Chen Huo Wang (ChangSha Institute of Technology, China) Reasoning: Qualitative Reasoning Abstracting Flow As Mapping Toyoaki Nishida, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Shuji Doshita (Kyoto University, Japan) Reasoning with Multivariant Qualitative Spaces Koichi Kurumatani (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan) On the Relationship between Model Abstraction and Casuality Yumi Iwasaki (Stanford University, U.S.A.) CLIS: A Software Reuse Library System with a Knowledge Based Information Retrieval Model Won G. Cho, Young W. Kim, Jin H. Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) Reasoning: Formal Knowledge Representation A Semantically Well-Founded Multivalued Logic Macro Schaerf (Universit di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy) Commonsense Reasoning with Multiply Embedded Contexts Hideyuki Nakashima (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan) Intentions and Rational Commitment Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff (Australian Al Institute, Australia) What's in a Consistency Tree: A Uniform Treatment of Theory Selection Abdul Sattar, Scott Goodwin, Randy Goebel (University of Alberta, Canada) Knowledge-Based Verification of Software Requirements Guangming Shi, Isao Miyamoto (University of Hawaii, U.S.A.) Reasoning: ATMS/Reasoning Maintenance On the Relation between Truth Maintenance and Abduction A.C. Kakas, P. Mancarella (Imperial College, U.K.) Recording Dependencies for Backward Reasoning Systems Richard W. Southwick (Imperial College, U.K.) Making Dependency-Directed Search Hierarchical Katsumi Inoue, Yoshihiko Ohta (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Japan) Using ATMS to Efficiently Verify the Termination of Term Rewriting Systems Masahito Kurihara, Hisashi Kondoh, Azuma Ohuchi (Hokkaido University, Japan) Parallel Constraint Satisfaction by Paralleling ATMS Taku Harada, Fumio Mizoguchi (Science University of Tokyo, Japan) Reasoning: Planning Intention Attributes in Planning H. Liu, C.D. Rowles (Telecom Research Laboratories, Australia) Partial Planning with Incomplete Information Jane Yung-jen Hsu (Stanford University, U.S.A.) The Automatic Generation of Mechanical Assembly Plans Bo Zhang, Ling Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) Perception and Signal Understanding: Character Recognition Neural Network and Feature Expression (1) 2-D EAG: An Experimental System for Off-Line Hand-Printed Chinese Character Recognition Zhao Ming (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) Classification and Recognition of Hangul Using Neural Network Eui Young Cha (Pusan National University, Korea) Detection and Normalization of Pattern Location by Neural Network Kozo Okazaki, Hisashi Taketani, Hiroshi Mitsumoto, Shinichi Tamura, Hideo Kawai, Yutaka Fukui (Tottori University, Japan) Feature Extraction of Spectral Reflectance of Munsell Color Chips by a Five-Layered Neural Network Shiro Usui, Shigeki Nakauchi, Masae Nakano (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan) Perception and Signal Understanding: Character Recognition Neural Network and Feature Expression (2) Adaptive Person Recognition System Based on Handwritten Characters Using the Leave-One-Out Method Isao Yoshimura, Mitsu Yoshimura (Nagoya University, Japan) Computer Generation of Facial Caricature: PICASSO Project - A Step Toward the Description & Generation of Non-Verbal Information Hiroyasu Koshimizu, Kazuhito Murakami, Akira Nakayama, Teruo Fukumura (Chukyo University, Japan) An Approach to Digital Figure Decomposition Based on Distance Feature Minoru Okada, Shigeki Yokoi, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki (Nagoya University, Japan) Intelligent Character Recognition I - Fast Rough Classification of Chinese Characters Using Associative Matching Technique Ning Sun, Hiroshi Ichimura, Hirotomo Aso, Masayuki Kimura (Tohoku University, Japan) Perception and Signal Understanding: Image Processing Edge Detection Object for Vision System by Using the Entropy Operator Transformation Method Muhamad Sadly (BPP Teknologi, Indonesia) Shape from Geometrical Regularities - Case Study on Orthogonality Seiichiro Dan, Koh Kakusho, Norihiro Abe, Tadahiro Kitahashi (Osaka University, Japan) Pictorial Goal Oriented Construction of Image Processing Procedures Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki (Chukyo University, Japan) Thresholding-Tree Representation of Pictures with Appliations to Computer Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis X-ray CT Images Hidetomo Suzuki, Juni-ichiro Toriwaki (Nagoya University, Japan) Automatic Identification of Human Faces from 3-D Data - Using Vertices of B-Spline Surface Toru Abe, Hirotomo Aso, Masayuki Kimura (Tohoku University, Japan) Knowledge Representation: Knowledge Representation for Specific Appliations Knowledge Representation for Job Shop Modeling Yan Jin, Takeo Koyama, Hiroyuki Yamato (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Planning with Reactivity Hua Shu (Linkping University (Sweden) Roles of Domain Knowledge and User in Case-Based Machine Adjustment System Kotaro Nakamura, Shigenobu Kobayashi (Japan Tobacoo Inc., Japan) ALPUS: A Program Understanding System by Means of Algorithm-Based Programming Knowledge Haruki Ueno (Tokyo Denki University, Japan) Robotics A Determination of the Method of the Form/Structure of Cellular Robotics and Its Intelligent Control by Task Planning System Toshio Fukuda, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Yoshihiko Itoh (Nagoya University, Japan) Computing a Representation of the Physical Environment - A Memory- Based Approach W.K. Yeap, P.S. Naylor, M. Jefferies (University of Otago, New Zealand) Adaptation and Learnaing by Neural Network and Fuzzy Set Theory for Robotic Manipulator T. Fukuda, T. Shibata, M. Tokita, T. Mitsuoka (Nagoya University, Japan) Robotics: Robot Sensor Multi-Sensor Integration System with Fuzzy Inference and Neural Network T. Fukuda, K. Shimojima, F. Arai, H. Matsuura (Nagoya University, Japan) HFM: A Robust and Efficient Method for Detecting Structure and Constrained Motion Zhigang Zhu, Xueyin Lin (Tsinghua University, China) A Line-Segment-Based Stereo Vision System Haizhou Ai, Wanyong Xu, Bo Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) Knowledge Representation: Advanced Knowledge Representation (1) Temporal Sequencing of Concepts in a Function Knowledge Base B. Shekar (Indian Institute of Science, India) Use of Contraint Logic Programming for Making Qualitative Reasoning More Powerful Hayato Ohwada, Fumio Mizoguchi (Science University of Tokyo, Japan) Partiality of Information and the Structure of the Franme Problem Koiti Hashida, Hitoshi Matsubara (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Japan) Knowledge Bases and Neural Network Synthesis Todd David (SRI International, U.S.A.) Knowledge Representation: Advanced Knowledge Representation (2) Semantic Networks as the Basis for Dynamic Object-Oriented Structures Swamy Kutti, Brian Garner (Deakin University, Australia) Knowledge Representation and Inference - An Approach from Object- Oriented Computing and Fuzzy Theory Kazuhiro Ogata, Norihisa Doi (Keio University, Japan) A Schema for Handling Noncategorical Knowledge in PROLOG-based Frame Systems Zahran Halim, Narayanan Kulathurumaiyer (University of Sciences, Malaysia) Search Strategies in Knowledge-Base Systems Suk-Chung Yoon, L.J. Henschen (Northwestern University, U.S.A.) Knowledge Representation: Foundation of Knowledge Representation Knowledge, Belief, and Computation Roderic A. Girle (Australian National University, Australia) Knowledge Representation Based on Autoepistemic Logic for Multiple Agents Katsuhiko Toyama, Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Teruo Fukumura (Chukyo University, Japan) Circumscription and Nonmonotonic Inheritance Marco Cadoli, Maruizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, Fiora Pirri (Universit di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy) A Stable Model Semantics for Set Covering Theory Fiora Pirri, Clara Pizzuti (Universit di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy) An Analysis of Bayesian Evidential Reasoning Yong Ma, David C. Wilkins (University of Illinois, U.S.A.) Machine Architecture and Software for AI (1) A Highly Parallel Execution Model for Production Systems Shigeru Oyanagi, Sumikazu Fujita, Sadao Nakamura, Takashi Suzuoka (Toshiba R&D Center, Japan) A Parallel Architecture for Natural Language Understanding Systems Jean-Pierre Founier, Grard Sabah, Caroline Sauvage-Wintergerst (LIMSI-Groupe Language et Congnition, France) Intelligent Robot Control Built-in Parallel Inference Mechanism Yunbae Lee, Soo jwa Hong, Gunseo Koo, Haeseok Oh (SoongSil University, Korea) A Distributed Sensing System Based on Qualitative Models of Environments Takashi Nishiyama, Osamu Katai, Sosuke Iwai, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Hiroshi Masuichi (Kyoto University, Japan) Systolic Architecture for Fast and Intelligent Character Recognition Systems Hirotomo Aso, Shinichiro Ohmachi, Yutaka Katsuyama, Masayuki Kimura (Tohoku University, Japan) Machine Architecture and Software for AI (2) A Method for Detecting Infinitenees of Prolog Programs Phan Hong Giang (Institute of Computer Science, VietNam) Introducing a Large Vocabulary into Prolog Fumitaro Goto, yuzuru Tanaka (Hokkaido University, Japan) Justification Rules and Justified Model Semantics Li Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You (University of Alberta, Canada) Programming in Neural Logic T.J. Reynolds, H.H. Teh, B.T. Low (National University of Signapore, Singapore) An Implementation of a Window-Based Debugging Tool for Kyoto Common Lisp Chang Yeol Lee, Seoung Jun Oh (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea) Reasoning: Mathematical Reasoning Constraints and Preferences: Integrating Grammatical and Semantic Knowledge for Structural Disambiguation Katashi Nagao (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory, Japan) Application of Ideal Theory to Boolean Constraint Solving Ko Sakai, Yosuke Sato (ICOT Research Center, Japan) GREW: Geometric Reasoning System Based on Algebraic Method Hitoshi Iba, Hirochika Inoue (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan) --------------------END OF REPORT--------------------------------------------