Xref: utzoo comp.arch:19974 comp.sys.sgi:7510 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!munnari.oz.au!uniwa!raytrace From: raytrace@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au (Phil Dench) Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.sys.sgi Subject: Re: reliable/reproduceable benchmarks on SGI MIPS box Message-ID: Date: 27 Dec 90 11:27:41 GMT References: <11737@alice.att.com> Sender: usenet@uniwa.uwa.oz (USENET News System) Organization: Curtin University of Technology, Computing Science Lines: 37 andrew@alice.att.com (Andrew Hume) writes: > I am running some benchmarks on a variety of machines >and in particular, on a SGI 4D/380, a multiprocesor with 8 >33MHz R3000 cpus. my benchmark reads in about 1.1MB of text >into an internal buffer and then runs cpu bound for about >40s. total memory usage is <2MB; the machine's memory is 256MB. >The benchmarks are run with the machine in single user (Unix) >mode with normally mounted NFS filesystems unmounted. No other >processes (excpet paging daemon etc) are running. > my problem is that I see quite large variations over >multiple runs of the same benchmark, sometimes as much as >1.26%. Now, the resolution of the timer is .01s and i should se >an accuracy of about .01/40 or .025%. I am a factor of 50 off this. >does anyone know how i can run these benchmarks so as to get reproducible >timings? (i note as an aside that just running the benchmarks on the cray >in multi-user mode yields variations of the order of .15% which is >satisfactory). > andrew hume > andrew@research.att.com You LUCKY BASTARD! I dream of 256Mb 8 processor SG plus access to a Cray. There's no pleasing some people :?) -- Phil Dench Andrew Marriott. --------------------------------------------+---------------------------------- | School of Computer Science, ACSNet: raytrace@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au | Curtin University of Technology, UUCP: ...!uunet!munnari!cutmcvax!raytrace | Kent Street, ARPA: raytrace@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au | Bentley | Western Australia, 6102 --------------------------------------------+----------------------------------