Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!swrinde!!caen!!emv From: ( r lang) Newsgroups: comp.archives Subject: [comp.sources.bugs...] gnuplot 2.0 patch 2 announcement Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Dec 90 01:02:19 GMT References: <> Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: ( r lang) Followup-To: comp.sources.bugs,comp.text.tex, Organization: Dept. Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University Lines: 99 Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: comp.sources.bugs,comp.text.tex, Archive-name: x11/plotting/xgnuplot/1990-12-20 Archive: [] Original-posting-by: ( r lang) Original-subject: gnuplot 2.0 patch 2 announcement Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) ANNOUNCING PATCH 2 TO GNUPLOT 2.0 What is Gnuplot 2.0? -------------------- Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms. The software is free. It was originally intended as graphical program which would allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data. Additions to this version of the software allow production of publication quality plots and data graphs. Gnuplot supports many different types of terminals, plotters, and printers and is easily extensible to include new devices. [ The "GNU" in Gnuplot is NOT related to the Free Software Foundation, the naming is just a coincidence (and a long story). ] What are the changes in patch 2? -------------------------------- The major additions in this patch are - parametric functions - X11 Motif support - new bit mapped graphics routines - new terminal drivers - vttek (VT like tektronix emulators) - hpljii (HP LaserJet II), now works on MS-DOS - kyo (Kyocera Laser Printer) - SCO CGI Where to obtain Gnuplot 2.0 patch 2 ----------------------------------- In general, patch 2 to Gnuplot 2.0 is available as the file gnuplot_patch2.tar.Z, and a patched version of gnuplot is available as the file gnuplot2.02.tar.Z. Please obtain gnuplot from the site nearest you. USENET users: comp.sources.misc should have it soon. NORTH AMERICA: Anonymous ftp to ( Fetch dist/sources/gnuplot/gnuplot2.02.tar.Z or dist/sources/gnuplot/gnuplot_patch2.tar.Z in binary mode. Users without ftp capability can obtain it through a mail ftp server. Send a mail message saying 'help' to for instructions. For a uuencoded copy of the gnuplot sources (compressed tar file), send this message to FTP CS.DUKE.EDU UUENCODE USER ANONYMOUS CD dist/sources/gnuplot BINARY GET gnuplot2.02.tar.Z QUIT AUSTRALIA: Anonymous ftp to ( Fetch pub/gnuplot2.02.tar.Z or pub/gnuplot_patch2.tar.Z in binary mode. EUROPE: Anonymous ftp to ( Fetch pub/gnuplot2.02.tar.Z or pub/gnuplot_patch2.tar.Z in binary mode. ---- DISCLAIMER - This product is not related in any way to Pixar or any other commercial venture. Please send any questions or comments to pixar! -Thomas Williams- -- Russell Lang Email: Phone: (03) 565 3460 Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Monash University, Australia