Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!samsung!umich!!emv
From: (Bob Mayo)
Newsgroups: comp.archives
Subject: [cad] Re: Resistance extraction bug in magic v.6
Message-ID: <>
Date: 29 Dec 90 01:35:45 GMT
References: <> <>
Sender: (Edward Vielmetti)
Reply-To: (Bob Mayo)
Followup-To: comp.lsi.cad
Organization: DEC Palo Alto
Lines: 43
Approved: (Edward Vielmetti)
X-Original-Newsgroups: comp.lsi.cad

Archive-name: lsi/ic-layout/magic/1990-12-20
Archive-directory: []
Original-posting-by: (Bob Mayo)
Original-subject: Re: Resistance extraction bug in magic v.6
Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti)

In article <> (George Entenman) writes:
>Who, if anyone is responsible for accumulating and distributing bug
>fixes for magic version 6.0?

I accumulate and distribute them.  I have a very limited amount of time to
spend actually tracking bugs down, but am happy to collect and distribute
the reports and fixes sent by others.

There is a collection of files available for FTP as follows:
        machine:  (
        account:    anonymous
        password:   guest
        directory:  pub/DEC/magic

Send mail to me if you don't have FTP access.  The first file to look at
is called "index".  The contents of index are about to be updated, and here's 
what it will look like in a day or so:

Magic Note #1 - 9/14/90 - Magic V6 is ready (a copy of the announcement)
Magic Note #2 - 9/19/90 - Documentation changes (fixed in releases after 9/20/90)
Magic Note #3 - 9/19/90 - Mode problem on graphics files (fixed in releases after 9/20
Magic Note #4 - 9/19/90 - rindex macro for new HPUX releases (7.0 and later)
Magic Note #5 - 9/19/90 - compiling magic using "gcc", one user's experience
Magic Note #6 - 9/19/90 - Public FTP area for Magic notes
Magic Note #7 - 9/20/90 - Compiling rsim, one user's suggestions & hints
Magic Note #8 - 9/26/90 - Magic tries to open bogus directories
Magic Note #9 - 9/26/90 - Mods to X11Helper to prevent core dump if run under shell
Magic Note #10 - 10/5/90 - Magic V4 for the DOS and OS/2
Magic Note #11 - 10/11/90 - reducing memory usage by 600k
Magic Note #12 - 12/19/90 - fixed bug in extflat that caused dropped R's.
Magic Note #13 - 12/19/90 - fixed bug in resis that caused coredump.
Magic Note #14 - 12/19/90 - new version of to support res extraction.
Magic Note #15 - 12/19/90 - contact line in tech file improperly documented
