Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!emv From: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) Subject: [ibm-pc-binaries] MSDOS uploads to SIMTEL20 during the month of December 1990 Message-ID: <> Followup-To: Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) Organization: (none) References: Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 02:37:51 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: Archive-name: msdos/simtel20/uploads/1991-01-01 Archive: [] Original-posting-by: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) Original-subject: MSDOS uploads to SIMTEL20 during the month of December 1990 Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) File PD1:UPLOADS.DEC Created: Dec. 31, 1990 NOTE: This file is also available in comma-delimited format as SIM9012.IDX MSDOS FILES UPLOADED TO WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL during the month of December 1990 NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== Directory PD1: AM552.ZIP B 209603 901216 ArcMaster front-end/convert for .ARC/.ZIP/.LZH AR002.ZIP B 27732 901203 Source for Okumura's new pedagogical archiver ARCHV335.ZIP B 73526 901223 Archive manager shell for ARC/LZH/PKA/ZOO/ZIP ARJ015A.ZIP B 107041 901206 ARJ archiver has better comp. than ZIP & LHarc DRX093.ZIP B 24705 901229 Shell program for various program compressors PAK251.EXE B 103338 901211 NoGate's ARC,PAK,ZIP create/extract program RV234.ZIP B 32584 901223 View & Un-SFX ARC/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO archives Directory PD1: LW286.ZIP B 16467 901231 TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference Directory PD1: IMB9003.ZIP B 4827 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90 IMB9004.ZIP B 6391 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90 IMB9005.ZIP B 7542 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90 IMB9006.ZIP B 7337 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90 IMB9007.ZIP B 4625 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90 IMB9011.ZIP B 3949 901229 Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90 LRNBASIC.ZIP B 84456 901223 Several examples and a study tutorial of BASIC UNPBAS11.ZIP B 1628 901231 Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs Directory PD1: BATMAKR2.ZIP B 20231 901229 Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source BTCHROOM.ZIP B 4253 901228 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE DPV12.ZIP B 10348 901223 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return errlvl EBL403.ZIP B 78067 901229 Extended Batch Language version 4.03 HMRHM11B.ZIP B 11159 901229 Returns to start DIR in batch files MFWRITE.ZIP B 11095 901223 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp. PWRBAT14.ZIP B 115379 901217 PowerBatch v1.4: Compiles batch files to EXE TESTIF.ZIP B 12329 901203 Controls batch files through error codes TSBAT23.ZIP B 52880 901230 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi WHAT150.ZIP B 10477 901203 Set DOS environment to show system information Directory PD1: BBSCOMP2.ZIP B 37369 901229 Compares BBS file lists, displays differences MAX102-1.ZIP B 317196 901222 Maximus 1.02; FidoNet-compatible BBS, 1 of 3 MAX102-2.ZIP B 335131 901222 Maximus 1.02; FidoNet-compatible BBS, 2 of 3 MAX102-3.ZIP B 223124 901222 Maximus 1.02; FidoNet-compatible BBS, 3 of 3 MLNK_10C.ZIP B 14909 901210 Message linker for BBS conference msg areas MP102-2.ZIP B 6315 901222 Patch #2 for Maximus 1.02; fixes Xtern DOS bug ROS400-1.ZIP B 159397 901218 ROS multinode BBS by Steve Fox, part 1 of 2 ROS400-2.ZIP B 147624 901218 ROS multimode BBS by Steve Fox, part 2 of 2 VP407.ZIP B 50913 901210 VPurge: Enhanced BBS Conf/EchoMail processor WABIRD.ZIP B 8635 901209 Carrier watchdog and COMx re-direction utility WATCHKAT.ZIP B 16160 901211 Reboot BBS if carrier lost or after 20 rings Directory PD1: DRWY212.ZIP B 180802 901229 DoorWay 2.12, BBS Doors utility ZIPSTR25.ZIP B 25564 901223 BBS door to view/read/test/extract ZIP files Directory PD1: USBBS79.ZIP B 51513 901211 Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 12/01/90 Directory PD1: ALICE11.ZIP B 61702 901218 Lewis Carroll-ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND LGLASS10.ZIP B 70039 901217 THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS by Lewis Carroll Directory PD1: CBASE101.ZIP B 270888 901208 C routines for database applications, w/docs Directory PD1: DC15D.ZIP B 214647 901216 Draft Choice v1.5D for CAD and CASE diagrams Directory PD1: APPCAD1.ZIP B 349009 901203 RF calculation pgms from Hewlett Packard, 1of3 APPCAD2.ZIP B 173663 901203 RF calculation pgms from Hewlett Packard, 2of3 APPCAD3.ZIP B 176789 901203 RF calculation pgms from Hewlett Packard, 3of3 EXPR.ZIP B 12380 901222 Unix-like command line expression evaluator Directory PD1: CUG292.ZIP B 260696 901222 Cross-ASMs: 6800/6801/6804/6805/6809/8085/Z80 Directory PD1: CEQPT32.ZIP B 117209 901212 Database for equipment service/usage histories CINVT52.ZIP B 121321 901214 Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders CKITOT11.ZIP B 303721 901224 Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a HBMS42.ZIP B 148034 901223 Home Budget financial & record keeping system JPRO.ZIP B 158998 901203 Journal-Pro: Keep a computerized journal diary STARTR10.ZIP B 174095 901212 Menu-based database of all Star Trek episodes TCBAP.ZIP B 266524 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Acc'ts Payable, 4of6 TCBAR.ZIP B 248332 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Acc'ts Recvable, 5of6 TCBGL.ZIP B 234834 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a General Ledger, 3of6 TCBINST.ZIP B 123831 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Install/Examples,1of6 TCBMAIN.ZIP B 266695 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Main Program, 2of6 TCBPAYRL.ZIP B 287412 901226 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Payroll, 6of6 ZIPKY108.ZIP B 241542 901223 Zipcode database, search by city, state, zip Directory PD1: DBB22.ZIP B 17522 901206 View/browse dBASE III/III Plus database files Directory PD1: DDJ9001.ZIP B 132916 901223 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1990 DDJ9004.ZIP B 45555 901231 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1990 DDJ9012.ZIP B 56916 901223 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1990 DDJ9101.ZIP B 27815 901223 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1991 Directory PD1: AN203.ZIP B 135376 901224 Ample Notice appointment/calendar/alarm v2.03 FLSHB244.ZIP B 76953 901223 FlashBack v2.44: An appointment alert utility REM22-05.ZIP B 42162 901220 REMIND v2.205: Sophisticated reminder service TODO399A.ZIP B 47901 901231 ToDo v3.99a: To-do list manager, tickler Directory PD1: BACKDRP2.ZIP B 5217 901229 DESQview background. Displays date, status Directory PD1: DF400.ZIP B 118052 901223 Dir. Freedom: best hack of PC Mag's DR,CO,RN. DFL150.ZIP B 56733 901229 Finds duplicate files on hard disk FINDFIL2.ZIP B 23675 901223 Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type wildcards GCD_100.ZIP B 20889 901218 Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse LCD_20.ZIP B 24560 901223 Change dir faster & /w more features than NCD LS-N-DF.ZIP B 12965 901222 Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk usage MOVE111.ZIP B 37687 901203 Move files between directories and/or drives PATTR15.ZIP B 23982 901216 Set DOS file attribs with wildcards. Patriquin PIK110.ZIP B 37901 901203 Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc. TO40B.ZIP B 33004 901203 Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names WHERE44A.ZIP B 46029 901223 Fast file & ARC/ZIP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/PKA searcher Directory PD1: FDFRM16A.ZIP B 77040 901205 Format floppies for greater density/storage FHARD101.ZIP B 34693 901229 Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies FM336.ZIP B 79855 901229 FormatMaster, menu driven floppy disk format ROCALC.ZIP B 14412 901203 Counts floppies needed for backup (SAVELOAD) SAVELOAD.ZIP B 41681 901203 Disk backup program - (use with ROCALC) TDISK334.ZIP B 34869 901230 TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement TELED212.ZIP B 93805 901223 TeleDisk v2.11 - xfer disk into a file. SYDEX TESTDR14.ZIP B 36468 901223 Comprehensive floppy drive diagnostic utility Directory PD1: CALVIN.ZIP B 38955 901214 Calvin (formerly Free VI) partial vi clone CSE310.ZIP B 15382 901207 Small public domain text editor. Many features NYWORD23.ZIP B 205054 901216 Marc Adler's New York Word Processor v2.3 QCUSTOM.ZIP B 6177 901229 Customized keybindings and help for QEdit 2.1 VDE16.ZIP B 114100 901223 Small, fast, WordStar-like text editor Directory PD1: ADV551.ZIP B 121430 901223 Colossal Cave Adventure game, 551 point vers. BABYDRAW.ZIP B 179651 901203 Simple drawing program for children CORWP17.ZIP B 137130 901221 CoreWar Plus V1.7 game environment (textmode) MOON.ZIP B 57300 901210 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find PEN2MINO.ZIP B 25762 901226 Game:Put 12 shapes of 5 squares into rectangle TSGMEE10.ZIP B 71674 901216 T.Salmi: 5th pkg of educational games, EGA req TSLIN33.ZIP B 73471 901216 Linear programming and linear goal programming Directory PD1: 22NCE131.ZIP B 49813 901229 Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS systems. SYDEX Directory PD1: GATEWAYS.FID A 19640 901203 Info: gateways from FidoNet to Internet Directory PD1: AAAREAD.ME A 4340 901204 Information about the files in this directory GREP.SIM A 1747 901204 Script to view SIMIBM.IDX on Unix systems QUICKREF.LST A 2239 901216 Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs SIM9011.IDX A 19498 901202 Comma-delimited list of November 1990 uploads SIMCVT.AWK A 703 901210 AWK script to print SIMIBM.IDX SIMDISP.AWK A 1263 901206 AWK script displays SIMIBM.IDX in outline form SIMIBM.ARC B 231826 901231 SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions SIMIBM.IDX A 515613 901231 SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions UPLOADS.NOV A 17914 901202 List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for November 1990 Directory PD1: ANA015.ZIP B 33534 901207 Binary file analyzer, disp. w/specified format BIN2ASC.ZIP B 36279 901203 Convert binary format byte stream data > ASCII CHK4CO21.ZIP B 10721 901229 Identifies files made by LZEXE/TINYPROG/PKLITE DIET10.ZIP B 15043 901231 Compressor for executable files. From Japan. DIRMM301.ZIP B 19247 901203 DIRMM v3.0, view, copy Multimate documents DRX094.ZIP B 26262 901231 Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE) compressors FT11.ZIP B 13171 901229 Identify many different file types by headers LOGOPAT.ZIP B 12078 901230 Patch IBM LOGO for EGA/VGA/MCGA/386, w/TP3 src PKBUG.ZIP B 20838 901223 Bug Report on PKLite v1.0, 'not enough memory' PKLTE103.EXE B 50375 901229 PKLITE v1.03, compress EXE/COM files and run UUEXE413.ZIP B 28070 901207 R.E.Marks' UUdecode/UUencode/XXdecode/XXencode ZIPZAP71.ZIP B 52528 901223 ZIPZAP v7.1, hex file and sector editor Directory PD1: WALST535.ZIP B 188983 901226 Wall Street stock-tracker & portfolio analyzer Directory PD1: 89AILLUS.GIF B 2688 901215 Tiny file illustrates GIF89a-use VUIMG280.ZIP GIF-CSRC.ZIP B 5019 901218 C source code for a GIF decoder GIF-DOC.ZIP B 35857 901218 Docs re new/old GIF formats & compression GIF-PAS.ZIP B 59023 901218 Pascal source code for a GIF viewer GIFSRC.ZIP B 41066 901218 Pascal and 8086 ASM source for a GIF viewer SHWGIF51.ZIP B 27954 901216 View .GIFs while downloading, for EGA/VGA VUIMG280.ZIP B 75776 901203 GIF/GIF89a/TIFF view/print w/Zoom/Pan/Scale Directory PD1: 00MSDOS.GNU A 7558 901211 Explains the MSDOS GNU-ish project FLEX236.ARC B 78943 901209 GNU clone of Unix LEX lexical analyzer Directory PD1: FRAINT15.ZIP B 324206 901212 FRACTINT v15 multi-featured fractal generator FRASRC15.ZIP B 450830 901212 C & ASM source for FRACTINT 15.0 fractal gen. GRAFWK48.ZIP B 261744 901211 View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics PCX111.ZIP B 58150 901203 PCX graphics image viewer PCXSHO.ZIP B 151750 901223 PCX-Show:Presentation/slide show for PCX files PCXUT.ZIP B 69410 901223 PCX screen capture & viewing programs Directory PD1: HC901204.ZIP B 92794 901205 HamComm: Transmit/receive RTTY with PC/XT/AT Directory PD1: HYPRVX11.ZIP B 75776 901211 Hypertext browser for VAX/VMS mail help, v1.1 Directory PD1: ANN1030.ZIP B 135027 901203 IBM's October, 1990 hardware announcements BENCH56.ZIP B 329843 901229 PC Magazine's (PC Labs') benchmarks, v5.6 DOSREF18.ZIP B 194355 901203 List of interrupts,memory locations,I/O ports INFOP141.ZIP B 107776 901212 18 pages of system info, w/TP & MASM source MF2.ZIP B 2862 901223 TSR shows program's memory usage while running NEWLAW.ZIP B 3817 901203 New copyright legislation, shareware problems PONY1190.ZIP B 60743 901203 International exchange of ShareWare files RBHELP30.ZIP B 78297 901229 Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01 TSFAQ15.ZIP B 53565 901215 T.Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers UNI-US01.ZIP B 6814 901203 Information on U'NI, a new BBS network Directory PD1: NOS-SLFP.ZIP B 229868 901213 KA9Q TCP/IP w/SLFP support for Merit dial-up SLFP123.ZIP B 29693 901211 SLFP driver for use w/KA9Q and Merit dial-up Directory PD1: LOCKS.ZIP B 3748 901231 Pgms to set/change Caps, Num or Scroll locks Directory PD1: CMAIL24B.ZIP B 134076 901213 Electronic mail agent pgm for use on any LAN EZMAIL2.ZIP B 175907 901208 PC-based e-mail system for use w/Unix & PC-NFS PCNEWS.ZIP B 29770 901211 Read Usenet news on local or PC-NFS filesystem ZIP144.ZIP B 18294 901223 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers! Directory PD1: GUIDE522.ZIP B 271128 901223 Home/office legal guide & forms generator Directory PD1: MRCRY1.ZIP B 48411 901218 Mercury: New ver. of Eureka! math solver, 1of2 MRCRY2.ZIP B 217589 901218 Mercury: New ver. of Eureka! math solver, 2of2 Directory PD1: 57600NEW.ZIP B 6386 901203 Information about new, fast, modem - 56Kb BBQWK20.ZIP B 98484 901203 QuickScan 2.0, scan MarkMail & Qmail packets BGFTU210.ZIP B 147262 901223 Background X/YModem file transfer. Uses floppy BIMOD124.ZIP B 181238 901231 Bidirectional file transfer protocol, w/chat DELUXE2.ZIP B 314368 901206 QMail Deluxe mail reader DEMO for Qwikmail DIALT1.ZIP B 2359 901203 Reads phone numbers from screen and dials them DLM120.ZIP B 18297 901208 Data Line Monitor. Makes PC a DATASCOPE EXPROT35.ZIP B 41585 901229 Easy external comm protocol manager shell GT1600-1.ZIP B 140334 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (1of6), Documentation GT1600-2.ZIP B 170961 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (2of6), Terminal&Host mode GT1600-3.ZIP B 69531 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (3of6), External protocols GT1600-4.ZIP B 109405 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (4of6), Terminal only vers GT1600-5.ZIP B 73643 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (5of6), Host Mode docs GT16MISC.ZIP B 130057 901229 GT PowerComm v16.00 (6of6), Ext. Protocol Docs H96SYSOP.ZIP B 10381 901203 Sysop discount deals for Hayes modems HAYESTRM.ZIP B 96908 901203 Technical reference manual for Hayes modems LINE_STD.ZIP B 1351 901203 Info on minimum phone line standards MDMTHRD.ZIP B 2427 901203 Features and choices for 9600 modems. Messages MODEMD30.ZIP B 72027 901215 Modem Doctor/complete modem & UART diagnostics MODMART1.ZIP B 7781 901229 Informative beginner's article about modems SIMT20C.ZIP B 43639 901231 Small simple terminal program with X/Y/Zmodem TR3-6.ZIP B 120653 901212 Operate PC from a remote location, or monitor WHTPRT38.ZIP B 7247 901223 Displays system serial ports & IRQ assignments ZRION101.ZIP B 42333 901203 ZyRion, windowed file transfer protocol driver Directory PD1: MSJV5-1.ZIP B 164814 901215 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 1, examples MSJV5-3.ZIP B 142455 901215 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 3, examples MSJV5-4.ZIP B 127775 901215 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 4, examples MSJV5-5.ZIP B 248216 901223 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 5, examples MSJV5-6.ZIP B 157284 901229 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 6, examples Directory PD1: TCPTUT.ZIP B 33215 901203 Tutorial on TCP/IP Internet network protocols Directory PD1: RSWD1111.ZIP B 65996 901208 Hams: ROSE X.25 packet radio switch for TNC2 RZSW1111.ZIP B 88424 901226 Hams: ROSE X.25 TNC2 packet radio switch; EXEs TF21C.ZIP B 45337 901226 Hams: NORD> PNL005.ZIP B 31695 901223 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #5 Directory PD1: ANSI132.ZIP B 21508 901203 PC Mag update: Fast TSR ANSI.SYS replacement VOL10N01.ZIP B 120523 901228 PC Mag: MAKECLIP,MAKEFOX,INT9,BIOSDATA,PCSPOOL VOL9N22.ZIP B 43873 901208 PcMag: Ctrtext,Glass,Highlite,Winsrc,Winwhere Directory PD1: EXEC23.ZIP B 25834 901203 EXEC or spawn function with pgm swap to EMS SWITCH22.ZIP B 38806 901230 Swap to disk or EMS from within ASM, C, Pascal Directory PD1: FCNPLT41.ZIP B 100789 901223 Rectangular/polar/data online function plotter Directory PD1: GRAB57.ZIP B 350852 901203 TSR grabs address from letter, prints envelope IMP400A.ZIP B 200199 901229 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2 IMP400B.ZIP B 201962 901229 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2 Directory PD1: FUNCTION.ZIP B 36028 901223 Real/complex numbers math functions for QBAS45 MAKEQLB.ZIP B 29134 901203 Examines QBASIC modules & make new QuickLIB QBNWS105.ZIP B 63719 901216 QuickBASIC electronic newsletter, Dec. 1990 VIDBASIC.ZIP B 120101 901203 MASM text video routines library for QBASIC Directory PD1: AM100.ZIP B 257572 901229 AutoMate, cuts online time, works with QModem QM42E-1.ZIP B 151595 901229 QModem comm pgm v4.2e, readme & overlay, 1of4 QM42E-2.ZIP B 201544 901229 QModem comm pgm v4.2e, executable & help, 2of4 QM42E-3.ZIP B 120537 901229 QModem comm pgm v4.2e, utilities, 3of4 QM42E-4.ZIP B 245924 901229 QModem comm pgm v4.2e, documentation, 4of4 QMVT100P.ZIP B 1425 901231 QModem definition of PF13-PF20 key for VT100 Directory PD1: BRITELN.ZIP B 4422 901203 TSR makes prompt line reverse video DTEST.ZIP B 6400 901207 ANSI driver performance test for EGA/VGA disp. EVAFONT.ZIP B 75722 901229 EGA/VGA font designer; handles 8x8, 8x14, 8x16 NNANS890.ZIP B 45594 901207 Enhanced ANSI console driver for EGA/VGA disp. SCAP225.ZIP B 33782 901203 Screen capture utility, all or part of screen TDRAW333.ZIP B 171286 901216 TheDraw ANSI editor and drawing program, v3.33 Directory PD1: AEA400R.ZIP B 205816 901211 AsEasyAs v4.00R, Lotus 123 spreadsheet clone Directory PD1: AAAREAD.ME A 4340 901204 Information about the files in this directory QUICKREF.LST A 2239 901216 Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs SIMTEL20.INF A 14748 901210 Complete overview of the SIMTEL20 archives UUDECODE.DOC A 1720 901210 Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.COM UUENCDEC.DOC A 2592 901210 Docs for UUENCODE.COM and UUDECODE.COM Directory PD1: TS1ST18.ZIP B 45948 901226 Statistics: Univariate statistical measures TS2ST19.ZIP B 73220 901226 Statistics: Multiple regression analysis TS3ST16.ZIP B 48966 901226 Statistics: Transformations of observations TS4ST16.ZIP B 36741 901226 Statistics: Correlation analysis TS5ST12.ZIP B 74051 901226 Statistics: Least abs. deviation regression Directory PD1: 4D2411.ZIP B 7006 901229 TSR critical error handler (INT 24) for 4DOS A20TEST.ZIP B 4728 901222 A20 address line enable/disable/status display BURNIN43.ZIP B 98649 901203 PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3 CLOCK10.ZIP B 13176 901203 On-screen clock; TSR or linkable to C programs CONED221.ZIP B 45970 901203 Select/manage up to 200 boot configurations CZCM11B.ZIP B 11078 901229 Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4 DRVINS11.ZIP B 12298 901206 Load and unload device drivers after bootup FILEC120.ZIP B 16948 901223 Fill in partial command w/matching files v1.20 GETTIME.ZIP B 21862 901223 Set system clock from US Naval Observatory HITAKEY.ZIP B 2614 901231 Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages PF253.ZIP B 26178 901229 Port finder displays info about all COM ports RBSETENV.ZIP B 72009 901229 Set/add/insert/delete/change environment vars. RT302.ZIP B 56776 901223 Tests for bad memory chips (extended/expanded) SANSINT2.ZIP B 33672 901230 Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs SCOUT51.ZIP B 140622 901216 Super TSR disk manager, v5.1 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc SCT-EM51.ZIP B 141545 901216 Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in EMS SIMP193.ZIP B 27520 901210 Fortune cookie program of Simpson quotes STOP20.ZIP B 10716 901203 Time the execution of other programs TESTX33.ZIP B 6739 901223 Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496, 486 TIMSET60.ZIP B 95617 901216 Sets system clock to Naval Observatory TLB-T117.ZIP B 8845 901231 Determine if computer supports 'The Last Byte' TLB-V117.ZIP B 183544 901228 DOS extender for 286/386/386sx w/Chips & Tech UDATE.ZIP B 20071 901203 Displays the date and/or time in any format Directory PD1: AMTAX90.ZIP B 133221 901211 AM-TAX individual tax preparation for FY '90 TAX90-53.ZIP B 24254 901211 Employer's tax guide calculator for 1990 wages Directory PD1: HOST44.ZIP B 129667 901206 Host 4.4, improved BBS Host mode for Telix 3.x LIB232.ZIP B 251193 901223 The Liberator v2.32: automating Telix/PCBoard MBBS212B.ZIP B 15648 901229 Jonathan Rapoport's mini BBS for use w/Telix Directory PD1: DVI2LJ.ZIP B 87199 901229 TeX DVI driver for the HP LaserJet printer RUMDJET.ZIP B 75003 901230 TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer SAUTER.ZIP B 54404 901206 CM & LaTeX font resizing package for METAFONT Directory PD1: AVS220.ZIP B 74446 901213 AVSEARCHv2.20, scans for more than 135 viruses CLEAN72.ZIP B 66075 901215 Universal virus disinfector, heals/removes FWKCS102.ZIP B 34678 901203 Checks CRC for each file, warns of changes NETSCN72.ZIP B 49415 901215 Network compatible - scan for 161 viruses, v72 SCANV72.ZIP B 60529 901215 VirusScan, scans disk files for 162 viruses SECUR219.ZIP B 33878 901223 Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes SWVSAF11.ZIP B 93245 901211 DOS extention does file integrity verification VALIDATE.CRC A 12160 901214 From McAfee BBS: CRC validation list of pgms VC140CGA.ZIP B 86176 901216 Shell simplifies use of VirusScan/Cleanup, CGA VC140EGA.ZIP B 96252 901216 Shell simplifies use of VirusScan/Cleanup, EGA VKILL13.ZIP B 15391 901225 Find and remove Jerusalem virus, with C source VSHLD72.ZIP B 58238 901215 Resident virus infection prevention program Directory PD1: ANUM02.ZIP B 35070 901208 Numerical Analysis functions for Turbo C TCXL551.ZIP B 534075 901223 Window/menu/mouse C language function library Directory PD1: TBSUPLOW.ZIP B 32307 901231 Turbo Basic source upper/lower case conversion Directory PD1: UPCONV14.ZIP B 16848 901205 Convert Pascal reserved word case w/TP5.0 src Directory PD1: CRLF-2.ZIP B 33750 901205 Forces text lines to end with return+linefeed E2A-2.ZIP B 25577 901205 Fast, flexible EBCDIC <--> ASCII/ISO converter JORJ41-A.ZIP B 253575 901222 Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 1 of 2 JORJ41-B.ZIP B 326831 901222 Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 2 of 2 KANJI20.ZIP B 189365 901229 Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana MARGIN3.ZIP B 31866 901203 MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files MORE13.ZIP B 45278 901223 Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src NGCLON11.ZIP B 33170 901216 Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src NROFF1.ZIP B 34371 901210 Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1 QP20.ZIP B 30676 901231 ASCII text file file viewer and print utility STRPIT11.ZIP B 35507 901230 Strip characters from left/right side of text STVIEW.ZIP B 42677 901203 ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support Directory PD1: SAMPLE20.ZIP B 267019 901204 Digital sound playback/record (with TP5.0 src) VDIGIT.ZIP B 196284 901223 Toolkit: Add digitized voice to your programs Directory PD1: 678WIN3B.ZIP B 192153 901203 1024x768 driver for Win3.0/Everex EV-678 APORIA14.ZIP B 214155 901231 WIN3:Graphic-oriented visual command interface DAYGOLD.ZIP B 64304 901211 WIN3: Bible verse & trivia question/req. mouse PS112.ZIP B 27688 901229 WIN3: Paint Shop, manipulate/cvt BMP, GIF, RLE SNAGIT15.ZIP B 15686 901203 Capture contents of screen in Windows 3 TAMR11.ZIP B 30645 901211 ICON editor for Windows 3.0 VIEWICON.ZIP B 37021 901207 Icon view/extract/write utility for Windows3 WINLOAD.ZIP B 27728 901231 Give choice to load/not load Windows at bootup Directory PD1: PAKPAL10.ZIP B 49424 901216 Easy to use interface for PKZIP and PKUNZIP PKV100.ZIP B 13993 901203 ZIP file viewer with TASM source PKZDATE.ZIP B 21817 901229 Sets date of ZIP file to latest contained file PKZIPM.ZIP B 11739 901223 Menu-driver for PKZIP/PKUNZIP QZVIEW1.ZIP B 54826 901223 Small utility shell for ZIP programs UNZIP401.ZIP B 70441 901206 C source code for free Unix/VMS/MS-DOS UNZIP UNZIPIT.ZIP B 9167 901203 Quickly unzip and scan for virus for ZIP files ZIPV120.ZIP B 17495 901223 Read text files inside ZIPs using Buerg's LIST ZIPVIEW.ZIP B 14517 901216 IDC's utility to view ZIP's on any BBS ZM21.ZIP B 140492 901203 ZipMaster 1.21. ZIP archive control system ZTERMV33.ZIP B 44155 901230 Shell, PKZIP, etc with Sysop stamp/strip Directory PD1: DSZ1216.ZIP B 84157 901223 X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm 12/16/90 DSZ1216N.ZIP B 2491 901223 Description of recent changes to DSZ comm pgm GSZHINT.ZIP B 1556 901223 Sneak preview of screen for new graphics DSZ PCZ40690.ZIP B 68515 901223 External program for Zmodem, Ymodem, others XFER33.ZIP B 42367 901203 DSZ shell to add Zmodem to terminal programs YAMDEMO.ZIP B 160014 901223 Pro-YAM communications SW demo YAMHELP.ZIP B 97123 901223 Flash-up help processor+database for YAM ZBUDDY23.ZIP B 47255 901223 DSZ shell to add ZModem to terminal programs ZCOMMEXE.ZIP B 162775 901223 Comm prog w/AUTO Kermit, X,Y,Zmodem, SEAlink If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. Keith Petersen Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address] Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil or Uucp: uunet!!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND