Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!swrinde!!hacgate!ashtate!jeffmc
From: jeffmc@ashtate (Jeff McCrimon)
Newsgroups: comp.databases
Subject: Re: ";" function in Dbase IV 1.1
Message-ID: <1990Dec22.120039.29681@ashtate>
Date: 22 Dec 90 12:00:39 GMT
References: <10707@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
Organization: Ashton-Tate, Inc., Torrance, CA
Lines: 24

In article <10707@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> richardj@uhccux.UUCP (Richard Jablonka) writes:
>How can you skip a line in the IIF function using ";" in Dbase IV 1.1?
>In III+ for example if address line 2 is blank I could skip printing by
>  IIF(len(addr2)=0, addr1, addr1+";"addr2)
> if address line 2 is not blank it will be printed on the next line.
>The ";" function doesn't seem to work in Iv 1.1.  How can I get it to?

Turn on the Picture functions:Wrap Semicolons menu option on the
character field/expression in the MODIFY REPORT design screen.
>                                  Thanks,
>                                     Richard Jablonka, richardj@uhccux

Hope this helps.

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