Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!sun-barr!olivea!oliveb!bunker!wtm From: (John Covici) Newsgroups: misc.handicap Subject: ltest info on cruzan case Message-ID: <16514@bunker.UUCP> Date: 29 Dec 90 02:52:11 GMT Sender: wtm@bunker.UUCP Reply-To: (John Covici) Distribution: misc Organization: Covici Computer Systems Lines: 139 Approved: wtm@bunker.UUCP Index Number: 12588 Hi all out there. I am reprinting below a call by the Club Of Life (U.S.) concerning the Mary Beth Cruzan case.I want to first interpolate some comments of my own. If we don't stop this death lobby immediately, all the gains of the ADA will be as nothing; we won't be around to enjoy them. Already there have been several cases where, due to the media pro-death propaganda and the lack of government support, people have requested the same kind of starvation we see in the present case. This is the very mentality that Hitler used to get rid of the mentally ill, the handicapped and other "useless eaters". This is very alarming to me, because given the present moral climate, I would not have been allowed to live. I was two months premature and handicapped (not sighted) and today who knows whether someone in my circumstances would have been allowed to live at all. This cult of death which is permeating our country -- this equasion of a human life to some kind of cost/benefit annalysis must be stopped at once or this country and this Western Civilization of which it is a part will have shown a lack of moral fitness to survive, and surely it will not survive. I have no gift for writing -- I am just trying to convey the truth in this matter in the best way that I can. I urge everyone to call this rehab center in Missouri and give them the backbone they need to defy the Nazi court order and keep this woman alive. Also it wouldn't hurt at all to give your local representatives some backbone also. I urge people from all around the world, not just the United States to take part in this effort. don't know if we can stop this crime, but I do know we must stop this death lobby. Press Release Club of Life Denounces Court Decision on Cruzan LEESBURG, December 21 (EIRNS)--U.S. Club of Life president Nancy Spannaus issued the following statement here today. "With the Missouri court decision to allow the deliberate dehydration and starvation of Nancy Cruzan, the United States has gone a giant step closer to paganism and fascism. This is a horror which must be reversed immediately, if our country is to have the moral fitness to survive. "Amidst all the pro-death brainwashing by the media, certain salient facts should be remembered. Nancy Cruzan is not brain dead, nor even dependent upon machines for vital life functions. Nurses who cared for her intensively found her responsive in some ways. Lastly, there is no way to tell whether or not she could have recovered from her `vegetative' state, because in the effort to kill her, she has not received the kind of active care that could conceivably have reversed it. "What the court, Cruzan's family, and the hideous ideologues at the Hemlock Society have succeeded in doing, is in getting legal license to murder this woman by starvation and dehydration. The only comparison to what she will go through, is what the Nazi doctors did in their experiments, or the Romans did in leaving their `unwanted' children out to die. "One wonders what it will take to bring our nation back to the morality under which every human life is considered sacred. We have gone from public policies of abortion on demand, to letting continents like Africa starve to death, to genocidal air raids on civilians in Panama, to policies of food and medicine embargoes against nations like Iraq. At the same time we are bringing these same policies home, into murdering our handicapped and old. "If the American population tolerates such actions as this against Nancy Cruzan, we will soon be permitting the starvation of the millions of older Americans who are in nursing homes. We will decide it is `better' for them to die, rather than live in the conditions which we have chosen to put them in. "I call on all moral Americans to reject these Nazi, pagan policies, and reassert the right to life. A nation that enshrines the `right to kill' is itself on the road to self-destruction." Dec. 21--PRO-LIFE GROUPS REBUFFED IN CHALLENGE TO COURT-ORDERED STARVATION OF NANCY CRUZAN. Two separate appeals to both a Federal court and the Missouri Supreme Court, calling for an immediate injunction to stop the court-ordered starvation of Nancy Cruzan, were turned down today. A group called Lawyers for Life appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court, which had written a wonderful opposition (later overturned) to the Cruzan family's request to starve their daughter, who has been in a severely disabled state since an accident in 1983. Operation Rescue appealed to the Federal Court of Appeals in Kansasa City. That court said that Operation Rescue had no standing in the case; only Attorney General William Webster could take action at this point. Webster completely withdrew from presenting any opposition to killing this patient or any patient in Missouri by starvation and dehydration. Operation Rescue presented evidence, actually an affidavit from a priest who visited Nancy and stated that three different times she responded with trembling and squeezing his hand when he begged her "say something Nancy, or they will starve you to death". Another witness says that after a news program reporting the case surrounding her family's request to have her starved to death was shown on the television in the patient's room, the patient shuddered and went from a calm state to an extrememly aggitated one. Demonstrators continue to pour into Missouri to protest outside the Missiouri Rehabilitation Center where the 32-year-old Cruzan is being killed. The hospital downgraded her state to "deteriorating. Dec. 21--HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS TO PATIENTS LIKE NANCY CRUZAN WHEN THEY ARE STARVED AND DEHYDRATED TO DEATH. In 1985, Massachusetts Judge David H. Kopelman ruled against killing Paul Brophy, who like Nancy Cruzan, was said to be in a "perisistent vegetative state" and whose family wished him starved. Judge Kopelman detailed exactly what starvation death entails. "If food and water are withheld...prognosis will be certain death from starvation, or more probably from dehydration which would occur within...five days to...three weeks. "During this time, Brophy's body would be likely to experience the following effects from lack of hydration and nutrition: (a) His mouth would dry out and become caked or coated with thick material. (b) His lips would become parched and cracked or fissured. (c) His tongue would become swollen and might crack. (d) His eyes would sink back into their sockets. (e) His cheeks would become hollow. (f) The mucosa (lining) of his nose might crack and cause his nose to bleed. (g) His skin would hang loose on his body and become dry and scaley. (h) His urine would become highly concentated, causing burning of the bladder. (i) The lining of his stomach would dry out causing dry heaves and vomiting. (j) He would devlop hyperthermia, very high body temperature. (k) His brain cells would begin drying out, causing convulsions. (l) His respiratory track would dry out, giving rise to very thick secretions, which could plug his lungs and cause death. (m) Eventually his major organs would fail, including his lungs, heart, and brain. "The above described process is extremely painful and uncomfortable for a human being. Brophy's attending physician was unable to imagine a more cruel and violent death than thirsting to death." Finally, Judge Kopelman says, "A society which rejects euthanasia, the selective killing of the unfit, insane, the retarded, and the comatose patient is morally obligated to sustain the life of an ill human being, even one in a peristent vegetative state."