Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!olivea!oliveb!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!460.0!Jamal.Mazrui From: (Jamal Mazrui) Newsgroups: misc.handicap Subject: Re: Expulsion from NFB now a fact Message-ID: <16540@bunker.UUCP> Date: 29 Dec 90 03:16:09 GMT Sender: wtm@bunker.UUCP Reply-To: Distribution: misc Organization: FidoNet node 1:101/460.0 - VI/BUG, Holbrook MA Lines: 40 Approved: wtm@bunker.UUCP Index Number: 12614 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Tom, thanks for your messages. We had certainly been kept from the truth about a lot of internal actions in the NFB by Dr. Jernigan. Let us make it known to as many blind people as possible what the whole storey is, a sad story of personal vendettas he and other leaders have held against individuals suspected of disloyalty and the ensuring unethical, distatesteful, and destructive campaigns to expel them and anyone associated with them. These vendettas have not only been unjust to the individuals targeted, but disturbingly destructive to the organization itself. I find it difficult to believe that losing 3,500 members of the California affiliate, for example, was in the interest of the organization because of Jernigan's vendetta against Acosta. If Sandy Sanderson made some mistakes, which perhaps he did (I don't really know either way), was it really worth losing the biggest fund raising talent the NFB has had in recent history? Sandy was a very dedicated Federationist for years and years. I am confident that there was more to the story then we were told. An occasional mistake or a personality conflict should not provide the basis for major punitive action against the individual and serious destruction of the organization. Federationists have a right to know that this type of thing has been going on around the country for many years now. I am convinced that the NFB would be considerably stronger today with more intelligent policies and priorities and far less enemies if principles and processes of democrative participation were observed. Dr. Jernigan is and has been a great civil rights leader for blind Americans, but that has not meant that he could do no wrong. --Jamal-- -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!460.0!Jamal.Mazrui Internet: