Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!emv From: (Craig A. Finseth) Subject: [editors...] Emacs Implementations Message-ID: <> Followup-To: comp.editors,comp.emacs Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: (Craig A. Finseth) Organization: Univ Netw Serv, Univ of Minn References: <662870458.24806@ontmoh.UUCP> <> <> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 22:41:15 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: comp.editors,comp.emacs Archive-name: editors/emacs/survey/1991-01-03 Archive-directory: [] Original-posting-by: (Craig A. Finseth) Original-subject: Emacs Implementations Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) Changes and additions to: as of 3 January 1991 Craig A. Finseth +1 612 624 3375 University Networking Services University of Minnesota 130 Lind Hall, 207 Church St SE Minneapolis MN 55455-0134, U.S.A. This document provides a partial -- and not comprehensive -- list of implementations of Emacs type editors. You can help make it more comprehensive by sending me additional information and/or updates. I will be posting the revised version on a regular (~2 month) basis. I have some, but not all information on: Elle To be included in this list, an implmentation must either (1) be "advertised" as being an Emacs-type editor or (2) be extensible and come with an Emacs command set "mode" already written. Editors that are extensible but do not come with such a mode (i.e., you have to write it yourself) are not listed. Each implementation is described in the following format: name: NAME version: VERSION implementation language: IMPLEMENTATION LANGUAGE extension language: EXTENSION LANGUAGE scope of implementation: SCOPE hardware/software requirements: REQUIREMENTS organization/author: ORGANIZATION STATUS The NAME line contains the name of the implementation. Implementations are listed alphabetically by name. The VERSION is the latest known version. It is probably out of date. The IMPLEMENTATION LANGUAGE is the language that the bulk of the implementation is written in. A compiler or interpreter for this language would be needed to use the editor. The EXTENSION LANGUAGE is the (often custom or modified) language that the user uses when altering or writing extensions to the implementation. It is "none" if there is no extension language. The SCOPE is either "command set" or "extensible." In the first case, the implementation offers a basic Emacs command set, however the user cannot readily change what the commands do. In the second case, the user can fully control what all of the commands do. The REQUIREMENTS is a brief characterization of what hardware or software is required. It is not a definitive list, in particular, "UNIX" is used to mean that the implementation runs on at least one UNIX system, not that it runs on all. The ORGANIZATION is the name of and contact information for the implementor. The STATUS is one of: - no longer available: Self-explanatory. - free: The implementation is available to most people at no charge. Even such "free" implementations may have restrictions: consult information about the particular implementation. Where available, information on how to obtain a copy is also listed. - not free: The implementation is for sale. Contact the vendor for specifics. Many of the names of the implementations in this list are trademarked. Specific trademarks are not called out. Full source is available for all of the free implementations. Source availability varies among the not free implementations: check with the vendor before you buy. But first... -------------------- Acronyms -------------------- Part of the history of Emacs type editors can be followed by tracing the evolution of the acronyms used for implementations. The acronyms and their expansions that follow are listed in (more or less) chronological order: TECO Text Editor and COrrector (this may be TAPE Editor and COrrector) EMACS Editor MACroS EINE EINE is not Emacs (the first known recursive acronym) SINE SINE is not EINE (the first known doubly-recursive acronym) ZWEI Zwei Was Eine, Initially (the author knew German...) FINE Fine Is Not Emacs VINE Vine Is Not Emacs TORES Text ORiented Editing System Mince Mince Is Not Complete Emacs Jove Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs ---------- GNU-Emacs ---------- name: GNU-Emacs version: 18.55 implementation language: C extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS organization: Free Software Foundation 675 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02139 USA +1 617 876 3296 free, anonymous FTP from: (under `PD:') (VMS G++) (VMS GNU Emacs) on the SPAN network, contact rdss::corbet on UUCP, contact one of: hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!ugn!nepa!denny acornrc!bob hqda-ai!merlin uunet!hutch!barber sun!nosun!illian!darylm oli-stl!root bigtex!james (or osu-cis!karl) Ohio State also posts their UUCP instructions regularly to the news group comp.sources.d ---------- Implementations Available For No Charge ---------- name: AMIS version: implementation language: Pascal extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: VMS, Norsk Data, Tops10, RSTS organization/author: Stacken Computer Club c/o NADA S-100 44 Stockholm Sweden note: the name is an abbreviation of "Anti-MISAER" (where "AE" is the "ae" glyph). "Misaer" is Swedish (svenska) for "piece of junk, or deep shit functionality." Tops10, RSTS, Norsk Data versions are free, send them a 1/2 inch, 2400-foot magnetic tape and return postage VMS version is $1000 US (the money goes to our DEC10 museum) name: Edwin version: implementation language: CScheme extension language: CScheme scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS organization/author: Scheme Distribution c/o Prof. Hal Abelson 545 Technology Sq. Room 410 Cambridge MA 02139 USA free, anonymous FTP from in pub/scheme/README also, check out other Scheme implementations name: Emacs version: implementation language: MIDAS (PDP10/DEC-20 assembly language) extension language: TECO scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: PDP10/ITS or DEC-20/TOPS-20 organization/author: MIT AI Lab/MIT Lab. for Comp. Sci. 545 Technology Square Cambridge MA 02139 USA note: this is the original free, anonymous FTP from in its/ai/emacs/*, its/ai/emacs1/* (executable) name: Epoch version: 3.2 implementation language: C extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, others organization/author: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana-Champaign IL USA uunet!uiucdcs!epoch-request notes: this is a modified GNU Emacs free, anonymous FTP from in pub/epoch-files/epoch/* name: Freemacs version: implementation language: 8086 assembler extension language: MINT, a string-oriented version of TRAC (MINT means "Mint Is Not TRAC") scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: Russel Nelson 11 Grant Street Potsdam NY 13676 USA free, Internet: anonymous FTP from from PD: [] in /e/freemacs BBS: +1 315 268 6667 - 1200/2400 bps, 8N1, 24 hrs, file area 25. No registration required to download Freemacs. Bitnet and UUCP: Send mail to You may use archive-server%sun.soe@omnigate if you are on Bitnet, or {smart-host}!!archive-server if you are using UUCP. The mail message should consist of 'help'. If you do not get a reply within a day, then your return path is broken. You'll need to use the path command to give a mail address that our mailer can grok. Our mailer can send mail to any address with an '@' in it, with the exception of ".UUCP" pseudo-addresses. Mail: $15 check or $17 PO copying fee to the author. This will assure you of the latest version. Please specify floppy format: [5.25", 1.2 Meg], [5.25", 360K], [3.50", 720K] name: Hemlock version: implementation language: Lisp extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: ? organization/author: Scott Fahlman Spice Lisp project Carnegie-Mellon University USA fahlman@cmuc (fahlman@cmuc.bitnet?) also not free as part of Lucid Common Lisp free, anonymous FTP from in pub/editors/hemlock.tar.Z name: Jove version: 4.14 implementation language: C extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: UNIX, IBM PC, Macintosh organization/author: Jonathan Payne Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2550 Garcia Ave Mountain View CA 94043 USA free, anonymous FTP from in pub/jove.* [] comp.sources.[misc,unix] archives also in the Berkeley UNIX distribution name: KEmacs (Kanji Emacs) version: implementation language: C extension language: custom scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, IBM PC, Amiga, Atari ST, Macintosh, Wicat, Data General organization/author: SANETO (sanewo) Takanori Corporate Research Laboratories Atsugi SONY Japan note: Japanese (Kanji) adaptation of MicroEMACS version 3.8i free, anonymous FTP from in editors/=TAR.Z=FILES=/kemacs.tar.Z name: Lief version: implementation language: C extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS organization/author: The Saga Group Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 1304 W. Springfield Urbana IL 61801 USA {pur-ee|ihnp4}!uiucdcs!leif free, anonymous FTP from in editors/Lief/* name: MG, (MicroGNU Emacs) version: implementation language: C extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, AmigaDOS, Atari ST, OS/9-68K, Primos organization/author: University of Texas USA free, anonymous FTP from in MG2A.BCK_LZW name: MicroEMACS version: 3.10 implementation language: C extension language: custom scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, IBM PC, Amiga, Atari ST, Macintosh, Wicat, Data General organization/author: Daniel M. Lawrence 617 New York St Lafayette IN 47901 USA +1 317 742 5153 FIDO: The Programmer's Room 201/10 +1 317 742 5533 24 hours 300/1200/2400 baud free (non-commercial), anonymous FTP from in dist/uemacs310/* between the hours of 5pm and 8am ask author about commercial use and distribution via disk name: Nemacs (Nihongo Emacs) version: 3.3.2 implementation language: C extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS maintainer: organization/author: Ken'ichi HANDA Electrotechnical Lab. Machine Inference Section ElectroTechnical Laboratory Umezono 1-1-4 Tsukuba City Japan 305 +81 298 58 5916 fax +81 298 58 5918 note: Japanese (Nihongo) adaptation of GNU-Emacs free, anonymous FTP from in editors/NEmacs/* name: Scame version: implementation language: C extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, IBM PC organization/author: Multihouse Automatisering bv c/o Johan Vromans Doesburgweg 7 2803 PL Gouda the Netherlands +31 1820 62911 fax +31 1820 62500 note: loosely based on an editor called Scame by Leif Samuelsson free, ask the author for information on how to get a copy name: treemacs version: implementation language: C extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, others organization/author: Vipin Swarup Dept. of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA swarup@a.cs.uiuc.eduo USENET ...!{cmcl2,seismo,uunet}!uiucdcs!swarup notes: this is a modified GNU Emacs free, anonymous FTP from in pub/treemacs/* ---------- Implementations Sold by Vendors ---------- name: Brief version: 3.0 implementation language: C extension language: Lisp/C combination scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: MSDOS organization/author: Solution Systems Suite 410 541 Main St South Weymouth MA 02190 USA +1 800 821 2492 +1 617 337 6963 fax +1 617 337 7719 not free, contact vendor for price information name: CCA Emacs version: implementation language: C extension language: ELisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS organization/author: Uniworks Inc. P.O. Box K Suite 323 Maynard MA 01754 USA +1 508 897 6650 emacs!mau not free, contact vendor for price information name: Emacs version: implementation language: SPL, a variant of PL/1 extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: Prime organization/author: Prime Computer, Inc. 24 Prime Park Way Natick MA 07160 USA +1 508 651 3342 telex 174519 telex +! 612 508 651 2769 not free, contact vendor for price information name: EMACS-TC version: implementation language: C extension language: Lisp-like scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX organization/author: AT&T Toolchest +1 201 522 6900, then login "guest" USA Warren A. Montgomery +1 708 713 5090 att!iexist!warren not free, contact vendor for price information name: Epsilon version: implementation language: C extension language: EEL, a dialect of C scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: Lugaru Software Ltd. 5843 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15217 USA +1 412 421 5911 fax +1 412 421 6371 not free, contact vendor for price information name: EVE (Extensible VAX Editor) implementation language: C ?, TPU ? extension language: TPU (Text Processing Utility) scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: VMS organization/author: Digital Equipment Corp. ? USA +1 ? ? notes: (Courtesy of Juergen Nickelsen) It is not Emacs-like, but also fully extensible. Source (TPU) is included. TPU is a programming language for text processing etc. that is also bundled with VMS. EVE is the next best thing to GNU Emacs on a VAX. unofficial project, not released name: Infinitor version: implementation language: C? extension language: TPL scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: Agranat Systems P.O. Box 191 Weston MA 02193 USA +1 617 893 7868 not free, contact vendor for price information name: ME2 (Mutt Editor II) version: ? implementation language: C extension language: Mutt ("A bizarre mix of Lisp and Algol like languages, compiled external to the editor") scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, MS-DOS organization/author: Craig Durland Hewlett-Packard 1000 NE Circle Blvd Corvallis OR 97330 USA note: experimental, not released not free, contact vendor for price information name: Mince / PerfectWriter / The FinalWord / FinalWordII version: implementation language: C extension language: none / key rebinding only / key rebinding only/ custom scope of implementation: command / command / command / extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC, CP/M organization/author: Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. 222 Third Street Cambridge MA 02139 USA +1 617 576 2760 not free, contact vendor for price information (only Mince for CP/M is still available) name: Sage Professional Editor version: implementation language: C? extension language: custom, C- and Awk-like scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: Sage Software, Inc. 1700 NW 167th Pl Beaverton OR 97006 USA +1 503 645 1150 fax +1 503 645 4576 not free, contact vendor for price information name: Slick version: implementation language: C extension language: Slick extension language, REXX-like scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: MicroEdge Inc. P.O. Box 2367 Fairfax VA 22031 USA +1 703 670 4575 not free, contact vendor for price information name: SPE Editor version: implementation language: Lisp extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX organization/author: Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2550 Garcia Ave Mountain View CA 94043 USA +1 415 960 1300 TLX 37 29639 not free, contact vendor for price information name: Sprint version: implementation language: C extension language: custom scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: Borland International 1800 Green Hills Rd Scotts Valley CA 95067 USA not free, contact vendor for price information name: Sys-IX Editor version: implementation language: C? extension language: macro scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: UNIX, IBM PC organization/author: System-IX (Networks) Ltd. 55 Bedford Court Mansions Bedford Avenue London WC1B 3AD UK +44 1 636 8210 fax +44 1 255 1038 G.W. Computers Inc. 4 Eagle Square East Boston MA 02128 USA +1 617 569 5990 fax +1 617 567 2981 note: may not be Emacs not free, contact vendor for price information name: TI Explorer Emacs version: implementation language: Lisp extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: Explorer organization/author: Texas Instruments 12501 Research Blvd Austin TX 78759 USA +1 512 250 7111 +1 800 232 3200 fax +1 512 250 6522 not free, contact vendor for price information name: Unipress Emacs version: implementation language: C extension language: MLisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: UNIX, VMS, IBM PC organization/author: Unipress Software Inc 2025 Lincoln Hwy Edison NJ 08817 USA +1 201 287 2100 fax +1 201 287 4929 telex 709418 note: was Gosling's Emacs not free, contact vendor for price information name: ZMACS version: implementation language: Lisp extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: Symbolics organization/author: Symbolics, Inc. 8 New England Executive Park Burlington MA 01803 USA +1 617 221 1000 +1 800 533 7629 not free, contact vendor for price information ---------- Implementations That Are No Longer Available ---------- name: EINE, ZWEI version: implementation language: Lisp extension language: Lisp scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: Lisp Machine organization/author: MIT USA no longer available name: FINE version: implementation language: BLISS extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: PDP-10 organization/author: Mike Kazar (in 1978) Carnegie Mellon University USA no longer available name: PMATE version: implementation language: ? extension language: ? scope of implementation: ? hardware/software requirements: IBM PC organization/author: ? no longer available name: TORES version: implementation language: C extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: UNIX organization/author: Jeffrey Schiller MIT USA no longer available name: tv (aka otv, SINE) version: implementation language: PL/1 extension language: SINE (Lisp-like) scope of implementation: extensible hardware/software requirements: MagicSix on Perkin-Elmer 3200series organization/author: MIT Architecture Machine Group 77 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02139 USA no longer available name: VINE version: implementation language: Fortran (!) extension language: none scope of implementation: command set hardware/software requirements: VMS organization/author: Craig Finseth Texas Instruments Dallas TX USA no longer available