Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!emv From: (Pete Hartman) Subject: [comp.lang.forth] C-Forth, via anonymous ftp Message-ID: <> Followup-To: comp.lang.forth Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: (Pete Hartman) Organization: Bradley University References: <> Date: Sun, 6 Jan 91 20:33:46 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth Archive-name: languages/forth/c-forth/1991-01-06 Archive-directory: [] Original-posting-by: (Pete Hartman) Original-subject: C-Forth, via anonymous ftp Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) I picked up a copy of C-Forth, a public domain Forth Interpreter available via anonymous ftp from a while back. I didn't know much forth and didn't have any impetus at the time to learn more than I knew, so it sat there. I'm now trying to write a system that I hope to be able to use on the 8051 Forth (if I ever get to that point) to implement a planetary clock project that has been floating around in my "in" box for ages. When I asked the Moderator of this group for a copy of BASIS14 so that I had some idea what the dictionary words were supposed to do, he said that there would be quite a bit of interest in a Forth interpreter than runs on Unix, which is what this is. It claims to be a "complete figFORTH implementation" with the exception of VOCABULARY and DEFINITION, and has some extensions from DrDobbs. I'm not entirely sure it's a wonderfully working version--either I know so little that I just don't know how, or else the mechanism for reading block files (automatically) doesn't work. The Author includes a block file with the UNTHREAD utility and a forth screen editor. When you start the interpreter, it's *supposed* (I think) to automatically load the block file. It even says "There are 28 screens in the block file". But when you try to display or load any of those screens, they appear to be blank. So there you go, that's about all I understand enough of to comment on. If you're looking for a Forth to run on Unix, this one appears to work other than what I just mentioned. I just don't know enough Forth to tell for certain. -- ----- Pete Hartman Haazavaa?