From: alleyne@teecs.UUCP (Adrian Alleyne) Date: Thu, 3 Jan 1991 20:33:36 GMT Subject: X11perf and TPC benchmark Questions Message-ID: <25770001@teecs.UUCP> Organization: Litton Systems, Toronto ONT Path: utzoo!censor!teecs!alleyne Newsgroups: comp.benchmarks Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding benchmarks that I hope someone can answer. 1. In Digital Review's DRlabs on workstations they are using the geometric mean of the results obtained on the x11perf benchmark. Is there a obvious reason why the geometric mean would or should be used on the x11perf (operations/sec) results as opposed to the arithmetric mean? 2. I need information on the transaction processing benchmarks, TPC B and TPC C. Who audits the benchmarks, are the results published, and are there any limitations (general) to these benchmarks that I should watch out for? Please email answers, thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian Alleyne email: alleyne@teecs.UUCP Litton Systems Canada Limited voice: (416) 249-1231 Etobicoke, Ont. Canada M9W 5A7