Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!!rpi!uupsi!!mhunt From: Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Re: Ingres Object Management Extension Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Jan 91 12:36:18 GMT References: <> Organization: PBS:Public Broadcasting Service, Alexandria, VA Lines: 91 In article <>, (Paul Lloyd) writes: > A query to Ingres users, and any others who may have wishful thoughts along > these lines: > > Could you please tell me what you are using IngresU Object Management > Extension for? I work for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) near Washington, D.C. We have been using Object Management for a little more than a year. We have developed two user-defined datatypes (UDTs) and several user-defined functions (UDFs). One of the UDTs that we use is the NOLA_CODE. It is used to identify each program record for all of the programs that we air and consists of the following components: Root - This portion of the UDT identifies the program series (i.e. 'SESA' is used to identify the series "Sesame Street"). This component can be up to six characters long in the range of 'A ' through 'ZZZZZZ'. Episode - This portion of the UDT is the episode number. This component can be up to six digits in length in the range of '000000' through '999999'. Subscript - This portion of the UDT is used to identify the program version (i.e. 'C' is used to denote that the program is Closed Captioned for the hearing impaired, or 'R' is used to denote programs that have been repackaged, etc...). This component can be up to two characters in the range of ' ' through 'ZZ'. An example of a real NOLA_CODE would be 'SESA 000203C', which can used to identify the record describing the closed captioned version of the 203rd episode of Sesame Street. Prior to developing the UDT, we used three separate columns in the database tables. As you may know, three keys columns are much more difficult to maintain than one. All validation for this datatype occurs in a manner similar to standard datatypes (i.e. INTEGER, DATE, ect...), because the software for the NOLA_CODE is linked in with the Ingres kernel. Anything that can be done in the Ingres backend/server will result in increased performance over any frontend/client processes. There are a few limitations that we have been able to workaround with this UDT, however they have prevented us from implementing our other UDT -- PBS_TITLE. Currently, the LIKE and NOT LIKE SQL predicates can not be used with a UDT, and you are limited to what you can do with wildcards. Due to the static ranges of NOLA_CODEs, we have been able to workaround this problem by building low key and high key values that can be used with the standard operators (i.e. '<', '>', '!=', etc...) in WHERE qualifications. However, the PBS_TITLE UDT can contain up to 256 characters and it's not practical to implement it until the LIKE and NOT LIKE predicates are supported. I haven't had the time yet to investigate the addition of operators that could be used to emulate LIKE and NOT LIKE. I am hoping that Ingres will support them in their next release of the Object Management Extension. Before I came to PBS, I was employed with a systems integration firm that developed Ingres applications. We were seriously considering the development of UDTs for latitudes and longitudes used throughout one of the applications. When I left they were storing them as FLOAT in the database and called frontend procedures to convert them to '00:00:00' and '000:00:00' formats, respectively. I could definately see the usefulness of having UDTs for these types of attributes. However, I haven't kept in touch with team members of that particular project and I don't know if they went through with the development of these datatypes. The Object Management Extension also allows you to add UDFs that can be used in SQL queries like any other standard SQL function. Of course, these functions are not ANSI SQL, however your client may not be overly concerned with this issue. We have developed several UDFs and they have proven to be very useful and have played a key role in justifying the aquistion of the Object Management Extension. Since PBS operates on a 30 hour rather than a 24 hour clock, we store all of our time related fields in seconds as INTEGER in the database, although we need to display them using the 'hh:mm:ss' format. We do this primarily because it is easier to do computations to determine if there are scheduling conflicts in the database. I wrote a UDF to convert the seconds value to hh:mm:ss (STOT) and another that converts hh:mm:ss to seconds (TTOS). Following is an example of how it works in ESQL: Suppose that the user has specified the following values in simple fields on a form: program_start_time = 09:00:00 program_end_time = 09:28:45 program_black_time = 00:01:15 (Time slice between programs) EXEC SQL SELECT STOT((TTOS(:program_end_time) + TTOS(:program_black_time)) - TTOS(:program_start_time)) INTO :event_duration; event_duration would result in 00:30:00.