Path: utzoo!censor!geac!torsqnt!!!usc!wuarchive!emory!hubcap!Dennis From: (Dennis Gannon) Newsgroups: comp.parallel Subject: PPoPP 91 Program Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Jan 91 18:06:38 GMT Sender: Organization: Computer Science, Indiana University Lines: 298 Approved: Third ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. Williamsburg, Virginia, April 21-24, 1991 Preliminary Program, Tutorial Announcement and Registration Forms PPoPP General Chair: Dennis Gannon, Indiana University Program Chair: Jeanne Ferrante, IBM Research Program Committee: David Padua, Illinois David Callahan, Tera Computer Elizabeth Williams, SRC Jack Dongarra, Tennessee Marina Chen, Yale Piyush Mehrotra, ICASE Larry Snyder, Washington Donna Bergmark, Cornell NSF Anthony Hey, Southhampton Francine Berman, UCSD James Larus, Wisconsin Keshav Pingali, Cornell Local Arrangements Chair: Piyush Mehrotra, ICASE NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Va. (804) 864-6134 ________________________________________________________________ Preliminary Program _________________________________________________________________ Monday, April 22 Introductory Remarks: Robert Voigt, Director, ICASE NASA Langley Research Center. Keynote Address: Marc Snir, IBM Research. "The right programming languages for parallel machines -- does complexity theory offer any useful insight?" Monday Session 1: Chair: David Callahan Optimal Schedules for Parallel Prefix Computation with Bounded Resources Alexandru Nicolau, University of California, Irvine, Haigeng Wang, University of California, Irvine Parallel-Program Transformation Using a Metalanguage J. Allan Yang, Young-il Choo, Yale University Mapping Concurrent Programs to VLIW Processors Hester Bakewell, Donna J. Quammen, P. Y. Wang, George Mason University Monday Session 2: Chair: Keshav Pingali A Unified Framework for Systematic Loop Transformations Lee-Chung Lu, Yale University Scanning Polyhedra with DO Loops Corinne Ancourt, Francois Irigoin, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris Removal of Redundance Dependences in DOACROSS Loops with Constant Dependences V. P. Krothapalli, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, P. Sadayappan, The Ohio State University Monday Session 3: Chair: Anthony J.G. Hey Exploitation of APL Data Parallelism on a Shared Memory MIMD Machine Dz-ching Ju, University of Texas at Austin, Wai-Mee Ching, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center A Production-Quality C* Compiler for a Hypercube Multicomputer Philip J. Hatcher, Anthony J. Lapadula, Robert R. Jones, University of New Hampshire, Michael J. Quinn, Ray J. Anderson, Oregon State University April 23 Tuesday Session 4: Chair: James R. Larus Andorra-I: A Parallel Prolog System that Transparently Exploits both And- and Or-Parallelism Vitor Santos Costa, David H. D. Warren, Rong Yang, University of Bristol Coarse-Grain Parallel Programming in Jade Monica S. Lam, Martin Rinard, Stanford University Tuesday Session 5: Chair: Elizabeth Williams Scalable Reader-Writer Synchronization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors John M. Mellor-Crummey, Rice University Michael L. Scott, University of Rochester Dynamic Node Reconfiguration in a Parallel-Distributed Environment Michael J. Feeley, Brian N. Bershad, Jeffrey S. Chase, Henry M. Levy, University of Washington Exploiting Operating System Support for Dynamic Page Placement on a NUMA Shared Memory Multiprocessor Richard P. LaRowe Jr., James T. Wilkes, Carla Schlatter Ellis, Duke University Tuesday Session 6: Chair: Donna Bergmark Improving the Accuracy of Data Race Detection Robert H. B. Netzer, Barton P. Miller, University of Wisconsin-Madison Race Frontier: Reproducing Data Races in Parallel-Program Debugging Jong-Deok Choi, Sang-Lyul Min, IBM Research. Optimistic Parallelization of Communicating Sequential Processes David F. Bacon, Robert E. Strom, IBM Research Panel: Problems and Issues in Parallel C Programming. Chair: Dennis Gannon April 24 Wednesday Session 7: Chair: Marina Chen Parallelizing a New Class of Large Applications over High-speed Networks H. T. Kung, Peter Steenkiste, Marco Gubitoso, Manpreet Khaira, Carnegie Mellon University Parallelization and Performance of Conjugate Gradient Agorithms on the Cedar Hierarchical-Memory Multiprocessor Ulrike Meier, Rudolph Eigenmann, University of Illinois Wednesday Session 8: Chair: Fran Berman The Integration of Application and System Based Metrics in a Parallel Program Performance Tool Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, R. Bruce Irvin, Barton P. Miller, University of Wisconsin-Madison Event-Based Performance Perturbation Allen D. Malony, CSRD, University of Illinois A Static Performance Estimator to Guide Data Partitioning Decisions Vasanth Balasundaram, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University, Ken Kennedy, Ulrich Kremer, Rice University ____________________________________________________________________ TUTORIALS ___________________________________________________________________ Sunday April 21 A: Compiling for Parallelism 8:00 am to 12:00, Ron Cytron, IBM Research. This tutorial will examine the automatic restructuring of programs for architectures that support various forms of concurrent execution. The topics considered include: data and control dependence analysis techniques for discovering parallelism in sequential programs, restructuring techniques for improving the effectiveness of such analysis, and architectural-specific transformations for exploiting diverse concurrency features such as vectors, multiprocessors, and wide instruction words. The tutorial will include recent work on management of memory hierarchies and analysis techniques for shared-memory parallel programs. B: Data parallel programming: Programming Primitives and Performance. 1:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. S. Lennart Johnsson Harvard University. Data parallel programming implies programming in a language with an array syntax, such as in the proposed Fortran 9X, or CM-Fortran, C*, or *Lisp. We will review these languages, and focus on examples that illustrate useful idioms for programming data parallel architectures. Massively parallel architectures are driving the development of languages with an array syntax, while performance is a driving force for massively parallel architectures. We will emphasize performance issues in data parallel programming and give examples of the importance of the proper choice of algorithms, data allocation, and data motion for good performance. The benefit of a small set of communications functions for portability of programs with respect to performance will be illustrated. C: Building Parallel Programs 1:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. David Gelernter, Yale University. Parallel programming environments that are high-level and efficient and portable and supported by decent tools are widely available and commercially supported. Consequently, research has shifted upwards a level: how do we use these tools methodically to develop clear and efficient parallel programs? We will present a method for parallel programming based on a three- way categorization of the basic program structures for parallelism. I'll describe the logical basis and practical application of the method, give some examples and discuss their performance. The method applies in any asynchronous parallel environment (We will discuss performance on shared- and distributed-memory multiprocessors and on conventional LANs). We will use a combination of C and (the coordination language) Linda in presenting the method and examples. We will conclude by looking at some of the broader programming considerations---including issues of modularity and clarity, management of physically dispersed resources, heterogeneity and data persistence--- that have made ensemble programming in general the emerging centerpoint of systems research. D: Tools, Languages and Environments for Fragmented Memory MIMD Multiprocessors 8:00 am.- 12:00 Joel Slatz, ICASE, NASA Langley. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive survey of systems and methods designed to ease the burden borne by those who program distributed memory MIMD machines such as the iPSC, NCUBE and transputer based architectures. Compilers for distributed memory architectures attempt to provide the user with an illusion of shared memory. These compilers orchestrate the distribution of data and work. We will describe how such compilers function and how such compilers are able to handle a range of different applications. The compiler efforts at Pacific Sierra, ICASE, Rice, Yale, the University of Colorado, and University of Vienna will be reviewed. Shared virtual memory methods use operating system methods to support a shared name space. We will describe the shared virtual memory efforts at Princeton, Carnegie Mellon University, Intel and IRISA, outlining the potential advantages and drawbacks of such methods. We will also describe a collection of tools and environments such as high level communication primitives, tools and environments used for performance measurement and tuning, programming environments aimed at specific classes of applications, and dense and sparse linear algebra library procedures. __________________________________________________________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Name ____________________________________________________________ Prefered Name on Badge __________________________________________ Affiliation _____________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Phone: (_______)_________________________ FAX Number:(______)______________________ Email ___________________________________ Program Registration Fee: Early (by 3/20) Late (after 3/20) Non-Members $300 $350 ACM Member $275 $325 Full Time Student $150 $200 ACM number _________________________________ For students: school name and student identification number ________________________________________________________ Program registration includes: Sunday night reception, Monday and Tuesday lunch, Monday night dinner, coffee breaks and proceedings (except for student registration which does not include the reception and dinner). Additional dinner tickets @ $35 each: number _______ Tutorial(s) registration: Circle one or two tutorials: A(am) B(pm) C(pm) D (am) Early (by 3/20) Late (after 3/20) Non-ACM ACM Student Non-ACM ACM Student Any one: $150 $125 $100 $175 $150 $125 Any two: $250 $200 $150 $300 $250 $200 Tutorial Registration includes one copy of the notes and, for two tutorials, it includes lunch. Please pay by check or money order payable to: ACM/SIGPLAN PPoPP 91. Please mail conference registration form and check to: PPoPP 91 c/o Emily Todd ICASE MS 132C, NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665 Phone: 804 864 2175 FAX: 804 864 6134 email Refund requests must be made in writing and postmarked before March 20, 1991. Registrations can be transferred by giving a Substitute for the conference registration and confirmation receipt. ____________________________________________________________________ PPoPP 91 HOTEL REGISTRATION Please mail to: Williamsburg Hilton, 50 Kingsmill Road, VA 23185 USA Call Reservations (804)-220-2500 . (For telephone registration please mention group name PPoPP91.) Deadline March 20, 1991. Fax: (804)- 220-2500 ext 7601 Group Name: PPoPP91 Name ______________________________________________________________ Affiliation ________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number (______)_______________________________________ Please include country, area, city code where appropriate Arrival Date __________________ Arrival time _____________ Departure Date ________________ Departure time ___________ Sharing with _____________________________________________ Please circle desired room: Single: $68 (also with spouse) Double: $74 (with another conference attendee) Note that these rates do not include VA tax of 6.5%. These rates are also offered to attendees arriving two days prior to start of the conference and for two days after the conference. Check-in time is 3:00 pm; check-out time is 12:00 noon. Arrivals after 6:00 pm must guarantee first night accommodation with check, money order, or major credit card. Credit card company ________________________________________________ Card number ________________________________________________________ Expiration date ____________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Reservations after the contracted block of rooms is full or cut off date of March 20 are subject to space and rate availability. TRANSPORTATION: Williamsburg, Virginia is 15 miles from Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport in Newport News, VA and 45 miles from Byrd International Airport in Richmond and Norfolk International Airport. For ground transportation from the airport to the hotel the following limousine services are available: Byrd Airport (Richmond) - Groome Transportation (804) 222-7222. Leaves every hour on the hour. $20/one person; $13/two or more. Norfolk Airport - Airport Limousine Service (804) 857-1231. Leaves every hour on the half hour. $21/one person; $14/two or more. Newport News - Williamsburg Airport - Williamsburg Limousine (804) 877-0297 Reservations must be made in advance. $15 per person. INFO ABOUT WILLIAMSBURG: Virginia's Historic Triangle of Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown is a delicate blend of the past and the present. The restoration of Colonial Williamsburg has set a standard of excellence unmatched anywhere in the world. Its gardens, architecture, furnishings and fine arts collections reflect life in Williamsburg when this small city was the social, cultural and political capital of England's largest colony in the New World. The scenic Colonial Parkway, winding through over 9,000 acres between the James and York Rivers, connects Williamsburg with Jamestown and Yorktown. Eight miles west of Williamsburg, on Jamestown Island, where America's first permanent English settlement was established in 1607. Twenty-three miles east of Williamsburg are the now silent battlefields of Yorktown. Along the James River, the magnificant grounds and exquisite antiques of historic plantations still reflect early southern plantation life. The weather in Williamsburg ranges from 65 - 75 degrees in April.