Path: utzoo!censor!geac!torsqnt!!!usc!!mips!!ucsd!ucbvax!ARTIN.MIT.EDU!sipser From: sipser@ARTIN.MIT.EDU Newsgroups: comp.theory Subject: 1991 FOCS - CALL FOR PAPERS - Message-ID: <9012191603.AA17231@cantor> Date: 3 Jan 91 16:15:20 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Reply-To: Theory-A - TheoryNet World-Wide Events , Lines: 81 Call For Papers 1991 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science The 32nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, sponsored by the Computer Society's Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing, will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico on October 2-4, 1991. Papers presenting original research on theoretical aspects of computer science are sought. Topics include but are not limited to the following: Algorithms and Data Structures Databases Automata and Formal Languages Logic and Semantics of Programs Computability and Complexity Theory Machine Learning Computational Geometry and Robotics Parallel and Distributed Computation Cryptography VLSI Computation and Design Authors are requested to send 16 copies of an extended abstract (not a full paper) by April 3, 1991 to the Program Committee chair: Michael Sipser Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02139 Submissions or revisions received after April 3, 1991 will not be considered, unless sent airmail and postmarked no later than March 27. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by June 5, 1991. A camera ready copy of each accepted paper, prepared in a special format for inclusion in the Symposium proceedings, will be due by July 17, 1991. Simultaneous submission of essentially the same abstract to FOCS and to another conference with published proceedings is not allowed. Submission format: An abstract should start with a succinct statement of the problem, the main results achieved, an explanation of their significance, and a comparison to previous work. This material should be readily understandable to non-specialists. Technical development, directed toward the specialist, should follow as appropriate. The text of the extended abstract must not exceed 3,500 words. Additional material may be placed in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the program committee. The title page should include the contact author's name, address, phone number, and e-mail address if available. Abstracts deviating significantly from these guidelines will not be considered. Meeting format: Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work at the Symposium. The format of the meeting, including time allocations for presentations and scheduling of sessions, will be determined by the Program Committee. The Program Committee plans to accept again this year more papers and compose a program of parallel sessions, if warranted by the quality of the submitted papers. Machtey Award for Best Student Paper: This award of up to $400, to help defray the expenses for attending the Symposium, will be given for that paper which the Program Committee judges to be the most outstanding paper written solely by a student or students. To be considered for the award, an abstract must be accompanied by a letter identifying all authors as full-time students at the time of submission. At its discretion, the Committee may decline to make the award or may split the award among two or more papers. Conference Chair: Local Arrangements Chairs: Christos Papadimitriou Tom Leighton Alok Aggarwal EE&CS Department Lab for Computer Science IBM Watson Research Center U.C. San Diego M.I.T. P.O. Box 218 La Jolla, CA 92037 Cambridge, MA 02139 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Program Committee: Ravi Boppana Maria Klawe Charles Rackoff Michael Fredman Jeffrey Lagarias Prabhakar Raghavan Andrew Goldberg John Mitchell John Reif Richard Karp Noam Nisan Raimund Seidel Michael Kearns David Peleg Michael Sipser