Path: utzoo!censor!geac!torsqnt!!!!ucbvax!CS.CORNELL.EDU!jsbm From: jsbm@CS.CORNELL.EDU ("Joseph S.B. Mitchell") Newsgroups: comp.theory Subject: Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Jan 91 16:16:06 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Reply-To: Theory-A - TheoryNet World-Wide Events , "Joseph S.B. Mitchell" Lines: 66 CALL FOR PAPERS ORSA Journal on Computing Special Issue on Computational Geometry The ORSA Journal on Computing is dedicating a special issue to the subject of computational geometry. The rapidly growing field of computational geometry has addressed many problems of interest in operations research and has provided new algorithmic techniques for tackling a variety of optimization problems. Conversely, many well-established methods of operations research have contributed to the progress in geometric algorithms. This special issue is designed to stimulate the interplay between computational geometry and operations research and to enhance the application of techniques from computational geometry to problems arising in operations research. The special issue will provide the advantage of grouping together high-quality papers in the area, as well as the benefit of speedy review and minimal publication delays. Manuscripts are solicited over a wide range of topics within computational geometry and its applications, including but not limited to: Optimization Manufacturing Robotics and Vision Facility Location Shortest Paths Networks Mathematical Programming Statistics All manuscripts will be promptly and carefully refereed. High-quality manuscripts not accepted in the special issue due to space limitations will be considered, with the authors' permission, for inclusion in a regular issue of the journal. Authors should submit four copies of their manuscript to either of the editors: Joseph S. B. Mitchell School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Engineering Theory Center Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 USA (607) 255-9148 Jan Karel Lenstra Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands 31-49-474770 by no later than June 1, 1991. To expedite handling, authors should prepare their manuscripts consistent with the Instructions for Authors that appeared in Volume 2, Number 1 of the ORSA Journal on Computing; a copy is available from the Editors.