Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!emv From: (Jeffrey M Cortez) Subject: [comp.sys.laptops] Model 100 ftp site available!! Message-ID: <> Followup-To: comp.sys.laptops Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: (Jeffrey M Cortez) Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana References: <> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 1991 02:00:31 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: comp.sys.laptops Archive-name: sys/tandy100/uiuc-tandy100/1991-02-01 Archive-directory: [] Original-posting-by: (Jeffrey M Cortez) Original-subject: Model 100 ftp site available!! Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) Well if you have already received the notice then just ignore the rest of this. I think though that my original post is lost in netland :-). Anyway, to all you Tandy Model 100/102 users out there who have been waiting for an active site to become available for Model 100 software, IT IS HERE! Or in truth it is temporarily available now and will soon be made a permanent part of our anonymous ftp site. To access the files currently, ftp to: and look in directory: /incoming/tandy100 Inside of this directory is a file called "filelist" which I strongly encourage all users to get a copy of. All of the files currently contained in the directory are listed with short descriptions. Besides just offering old public domain software, I hope that this site will become a place where people show off their newest programs and hacks of old programs. Also I hope that if anyone has any public domain software which is currently not included or a newer version of software currently in the archives, that they could send it to me to be added to the archives. If you have any questions or if you wish to add some new software to archive site, please email me at: When the software is moved to its permanent directory I will pass the information on. Until then, happy hacking! Jeffrey Cortez Maintainer of the Model 100 archives