Xref: utzoo gnu.emacs.help:1048 comp.emacs:9987 Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!uts.amdahl.com!delrosso From: delrosso@uts.amdahl.com (Michael J. DelRosso) Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.help,comp.emacs Subject: (none) Message-ID: Date: 29 Jan 91 20:08:00 GMT Sender: news@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu Followup-To: gnu.emacs.help Organization: Gatewayed from the GNU Project mailing list help-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu Lines: 25 I have an application for which I only have the binary, so I can't modify it. This application issues sendmail commands using the "-f" flag, like so: sendmail -f someuser destination_user sendmail would permit placement of parameters in /usr/lib/sendmail.cf to strip out the "-f someuser" portion of the command before it was passed on to mail. I have a need to do this. Now that I'm using smail, the application's sendmail commands get passed off to smail. THE QUESTION IS THIS: Is there any way to set up smail's config file, /usr/lib/smail/config, to strip out the "-f" flags? If anyone knows how I might do this I would appreciate a reply. Note that I am not on the gnu mailing list, so you should direct any replys to: delrosso@amdahl.com Thank You