Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!!funic!santra!!jjj From: (Joni Jaakko J{rvenkyl{) Newsgroups: comp.os.cpm Subject: Finally I got it: Kaypro 10! Message-ID: <1991Feb1.113109.337@santra.uucp> Date: 1 Feb 91 11:31:09 GMT Sender: news@santra.uucp (Cnews - USENET news system) Reply-To: (Joni Jaakko J{rvenkyl{) Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Lines: 20 I saw a Kaypro 10 first time for 6 years ago, and now I finally managed to buy myself one. Wow is this great! It's goit the standard 10 MB half height HDD installed. Is there any possibility for adding a second 10 MB disk drive, or possibly even one of greater capacity? The controller board seems to have one free data/controller cable connector. Is there any possibility to speed the whole machine up a little, f ex changing the crystal to a bigger one (if this help at all)? Is there a VT100 emulator program which would work at 9600 or 19200 bps? If I wanted hardware flow control too, am I completely out of Kaypro's capabilities/the software done this far? -- fire me, fire until you die