Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!rpi!!samsung!emory!ogicse!unicorn!n8541751 From: (Where there is darkness, light) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.apps Subject: Re: Inventory Programs Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Feb 91 02:15:40 GMT References: Distribution: na Organization: Monkey Tree Computer Services Lines: 25 One neat way of keeping track of a small hotel layout would be to use Hypercard or another similar program. IBM sells a product called LinkWay that is similar to Hypercard, for the PC. You could easily make an application like you describe by having a separate page for each room. Then you could have objects on each page representing the objects in the rooms. Moving an object between rooms, or eliminating it would be simple, and you would have the added benefit of a visual representation of the contents of each room. Any good hypermedia product for the Mac or PC should work well for this. It wouldn't be good for a large scale operation, but would work very well on a smaller scale. It also would work much better for large objects, like beds and televisions, than for comestibles like soap. Good luck! Kris Bruland. -- Kriston M. Bruland | . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . .