Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!sun-barr!lll-winken!!!!emory!ra!jgb1 From: jgb1@ra.MsState.Edu (John G. Burrell) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.apps Subject: dBase to WP Merge Utility Program for FTP Summary: Dbf2Wpm converts dBase files to WP Merge Files Keywords: dbase wp 5.0/5.1 merge Message-ID: Date: 1 Feb 91 16:58:52 GMT Lines: 21 Dbf2Wpm.Zip is available for anonymous FTP at Ra.MsState.Edu ( path is pub/pc/jgb1 filename is This program will allow you to select a database, an index or alternatively create one, and your Wp Merge file to write to. It also allows you to select what fields are to be converted, and even supply a "Filter" to select records. This is freeware and is in early alpha testing. It does absolutely no error recovery; in other words, if you give an invalid path or such, it bombs! I hope it is useful and easy to use. Jay Burrell jgb1@Ra.MsState.Edu Computing Center Mississippi State University -- Jay Burrell Computing Center Mississippi State University