Xref: utzoo comp.os.msdos.programmer:2931 comp.sys.mac.programmer:20925 comp.windows.ms.programmer:696 comp.lang.c:35477 comp.lang.c++:11279 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!ucsd!nosc!cod!burkley From: burkley@cod.NOSC.MIL (V. Joe Burkley) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.programmer,comp.sys.mac.programmer,comp.windows.ms.programmer,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++ Subject: Wanted Developers Experience With Shareware Message-ID: <2747@cod.NOSC.MIL> Date: 24 Jan 91 17:19:51 GMT Expires: 8 Feb 91 08:00:00 GMT Reply-To: burkley@cod.nosc.mil (V. Joe Burkley) Distribution: usa Organization: Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego Lines: 41 Greetings, Sometime in the next few months I plan the release of program to the public. I am still debating about what is the most effective means of releasing a program so as to maximize the registration of users. I know of several broad categories of release types: Shareware: Freely distributed, users can try for free but are on a honor system to become a registered user (by paying a fee) if they desire to use the software on a longterm basis. Freeware: Freely distributed, no cost ever to the user. Crippleware: Freely distributed, but the program is a limited version of the software that is available by registering. Or the program is a full blown version that will cease to work after a given date. I am writing to get responses of DEVELOPERS experiences with the various methods of distributing software. I am asking you to send me a description of what you consider to be the various methods of releasing software (please correct my above descriptions if your definition differs). In addition I would like to hear about the results you have received when distributing your software. Please include numbers if possible, as in what are the registration fees, how many people registered, how many people do you think should register, a description of the software, and are you satisfied with the way things worked out? I plan to do a poll to users to try and find what makes them register a program. Are there any questions that you think would give insight into the user's view of registering products? Has this discusion occured before? If so, where can I dig up archives of it? I will definitely post a summary if I get a decent response from the NET. Send all replies by e-mail. -Joe Burkley burkley@cod.nosc.mil -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \ \_ _/ / =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Joe Burkley | O_O | "It's not enough that I succeed, | | burkley@cod.nosc.mil \/_\/ everyone else must fail." | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \_/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=