Xref: utzoo alt.msdos.programmer:2387 comp.os.msdos.programmer:3055 comp.lang.c:35645 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!ucsd!sdd.hp.com!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!aplcen!boingo.med.jhu.edu!haven!uvaarpa!murdoch!fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU!jvb7u From: jvb7u@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU (Jon Brinkmann) Newsgroups: alt.msdos.programmer,comp.os.msdos.programmer,comp.lang.c Subject: Re: MSC 5.1 Question Message-ID: <1991Jan30.181122.5734@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Date: 30 Jan 91 18:11:22 GMT References: <91026.223149ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca> Sender: news@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU Organization: Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia Lines: 15 In article <91026.223149ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca> ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca writes: #Is it possible in MSC 5.1 to gain access to the registers directly. #Turbo C has the _AX,_BX... pseudo-variables for them #is this possible in MSC and if so HOW??? The variables _AX, _BX, etc are not defined in MicroSoft C 5.1. If there are variables or functions which get and put register values, they aren't documented. Jon -- Jon Brinkmann Astronomy Department Internet: jvb7u@Virginia.EDU University of Virginia UUCP: ...!uunet!virginia!jvb7u P.O. Box 3818 SPAN/HEPnet: 6654::jvb7u Charlottesville, VA 22903-0818