Xref: utzoo alt.msdos.programmer:2388 comp.os.msdos.programmer:3095 comp.lang.c:35694 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!think.com!hsdndev!husc6!genrad!jvp From: jvp@genrad.UUCP (Jim V. Potter) Newsgroups: alt.msdos.programmer,comp.os.msdos.programmer,comp.lang.c Subject: Re: MSC 5.1 Question Message-ID: <40575@genrad.UUCP> Date: 31 Jan 91 15:27:49 GMT References: <91026.223149ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca> <1991Jan30.181122.5734@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Followup-To: alt.msdos.programmer Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass. Lines: 9 In article <91026.223149ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca> ACPS2924@Ryerson.Ca writes: >Is it possible in MSC 5.1 to gain access to the registers directly. >Turbo C has the _AX,_BX... pseudo-variables for them >is this possible in MSC and if so HOW??? I suggest that you look at the union REGS defined in dos.h to see how to define registers that are passed to functions. The functions bdos(), int86(), int86x(), intdos(), and intdosx() are some functions that use the REGS union; see the Runtime Library manual for examples of calling these functions.