Xref: utzoo comp.os.vms:35050 comp.os.msdos.programmer:3097 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!sdd.hp.com!news.cs.indiana.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!news.iastate.edu!sharkey!bnlux0!kushmer From: kushmer@bnlux0.bnl.gov (christopher kushmerick) Newsgroups: comp.os.vms,comp.os.msdos.programmer Subject: Is 2400 baud mnp class 5 worth it for interact work? Message-ID: <2464@bnlux0.bnl.gov> Date: 31 Jan 91 17:09:26 GMT Organization: Brookhaven National Lab Lines: 22 I am trying to decide if I should spend US$160 for an MNP class 5 modem. I will use it mostly for interactive work over a phone line. I now use a 2400 modem with out MNP, and have okay luck. My line noise is low but not zero (spurious character about 1 in 100 at worst, 1 in 500 at best.) Has anybody recently gone to MNP and able to comment on the speedup I should expect? I expect the modem connection to be the limiting factor (On one end, a 286 running kermit terminal emulator, on the other end, TXA0, a terminal line on the vax.) Thanks in advance -- Chris Kushmerick kciremhsuK sirhC kushmer@bnlux0.bnl.gov <===Try this one first kushmerick@pofvax.sunysb.edu