Xref: utzoo soc.culture.indian:43000 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:6106 comp.os.msdos.programmer:3108 comp.sys.mac.misc:8065 comp.sys.mac.programmer:21287 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!apple!bbn.com!nic!bunny!rc05 From: rc05@gte.com (Ramesh Chandak) Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.japanese,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc,comp.os.msdos.programmer,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: Call for Discussion : Creation of MISC.ENTREPENEURS newgroup !!! Message-ID: <10501@bunny.GTE.COM> Date: 1 Feb 91 20:03:34 GMT Followup-To: poster Organization: GTE Laboratories Incorporated, Waltham MA Lines: 31 CALL FOR DISCUSSION : Creating of a USENET group called : MISC.ENTREPRENEURS I am herein proposing the creation of a new newsgroup, entitled MISC.ENTREPRENEURS, to be used as an open forum for the discussion of all aspects of entrepreneurial ventures. NAME: misc.entrepreneurs CHARTER: Discussion of what it takes to be an entrepreneur; what are the issues involved in starting an entrepreneurial venture (My proposal is not to restrict the discussions to computer related entrepreneurial ventures.) MODERATION STATUS: unmoderated. JUSTIFICATION: The last decade of the twentieth century has been hall-marked as the "DECADE OF THE ENTREPRENEURS". Every person has a dream; some of them happen to have dreams of being entrepreneurs; A lot of corporations (eg. 3COM) have encouraged entrepreneurs withing their organizations, what they call as "intra- preneurs". There is a wealth of information that needs to be tapped before one embarks on a venture. USENET offers an efficient and inexpensive way of communicating discussing, and sharing ideas and thoughts. =============================================================================== - Ramesh Chandak rc05@gte.com loverboy@athena.mit.edu