Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!sun-barr!newstop!sun!aeras!ys2!yang From: yang@ys2.uucp (Yangmin Shen) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.programmer Subject: Re: TSR programming with MSC Message-ID: <1991Feb3.055420.5504@ys2.uucp> Date: 3 Feb 91 05:54:20 GMT References: <> Distribution: comp Organization: Glenmoor Data Lines: 25 From article <>, by (Sanford Spinrad): > I'm having a problem with TSR programming with MSC. ..... > .....The c function only contains 1 printf statement. ..... This is your problem. If you use printf or a number of other MSC funtions which use malloc, memory for the function will be allocated from what the TSR thinks is free memory, only the memory being allocated is actually from whatever is above the stack area of the TSR, which in most cases is in the application which you have invoked from the DOS prompt following the loading of the TSR. You can avoid this by using cprintf if redirection is not important. If you are using MSC6.00, use quick help to look up the malloc function, where you'll find a list of library functions which use malloc and are therefore not suitable for use in TSRs. Also, look up the example program ALARM.C for a good example of a TSR written in C. Good luck! _ Yangmin Shen UUCP: ...!sun!ys2!yang VOICE: +1 408 446 2210 x140 (Day) +1 408 262 4017 (Eve) FAX: +1 408 942 8732 -- Yangmin Shen UUCP: ...!sun!ys2!yang VOICE: +1 408 446 2210 x140 (Day) +1 408 262 4017 (Eve) FAX: +1 408 942 8732