Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!!lll-winken!xanth!!bianco From: (David J. Bianco) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.programmer Subject: Re: TC++ XMS thingie... Message-ID: Date: 3 Feb 91 22:31:09 GMT References: <11687@helios.TAMU.EDU> Sender: (Usenet News Poster) Organization: Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Lines: 20 In-Reply-To:'s message of 1 Feb 91 04:36:06 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: In article <11687@helios.TAMU.EDU> writes: I know it's been mentioned before, but I haven't seen anyone suggest a solution. Turbo C++ grabs the extended memory but doesn't free it when you exit (the IDE). Is there a fix for this, or at least a workaround? I hate having to reboot my system every time I get out of TC++! Well, I got around this by configuring my XMS memory to be EMS via a little program called EMS40.SYS (available from simtel). EMS40.SYS is driver which handles EMS function calls, but uses XMS memory. I haven't found anything yet which version 1.1 won't handle. I believe its a PC Mag utility, BTW. If you can't get it from simtel/wuarchive, check out the local BBSs. David Bianco, Apprentice Systems Dude