Xref: utzoo comp.os.msdos.programmer:3135 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:6131 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!rpi!clarkson!grape.ecs.clarkson.edu!levericw From: levericw@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Walden Leverich) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.programmer,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc Subject: Re: Need a used AS/400 Message-ID: Date: 4 Feb 91 18:46:46 GMT References: <7493@uklirb.informatik.uni-kl.de> Sender: @grape.ecs.clarkson.edu Organization: /home/cheetah.ece/levericw/.organization Lines: 61 In-Reply-To: kirchner@informatik.uni-kl.de's message of 1 Feb 91 13:20:03 GMT Sorry about posting this to the net, but mail keeps bouncing due to bad mail address in original posting. EZ> I need some advice on where to buy a used IBM AS/400 system (6 terminals), EZ> with a 330 MB Hard Drive in very good shape. EZ> Anybody has an idea ? EZ> Please send me mail if you know. EZ> Thanks much, EZ> Enrique. Enrique, I don't have a plave for you to get them but just a comment. Unless you are planning to roll your own operating system for the AS/400 (Yes, 2 or 3 people have done this) you will need about 250 to 300M for the operating system and support programs/files. Or did you mean 330M on top of the base DASD configuration? If all 6 terminals are going to be active at the same time you are looking at a C20 (the big 9404 system) or a C30 (the smallest 9406.) Just beware of using smaller machines the response time will suck with 6 users on a B10 of C10. Why do you not want to get a new one from IBM? It can be leased over 5 years through IBM Credit corp. And since you are from UCSD IBM can (I believe) work out a deal since UCSD is an educational organization. If you are interested in more info drop me a line and I will see what I can do to help out. -Walden --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walden H. Leverich III | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu ECE Dept. | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly Clarkson University | SnailMail: Software Solutions | PO Box 763 | Potsdam, NY 13676-0763 #include -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walden H. Leverich III | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu ECE Dept. | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly Clarkson University | SnailMail: Software Solutions | PO Box 763 | Potsdam, NY 13676-0763 #include --------------------------------------------------------------------------