Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!swrinde!!ames!uhccux!!metro!extro!objtch From: (Peter Goodall) Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.misc Subject: Re: Microsoft Drops OS/2 Message-ID: Date: 1 Feb 91 13:27:58 GMT References: <> <> Sender: Organization: Sydney University Computing Service, Sydney, NSW, Australia Lines: 51 Nntp-Posting-Host: (David Arasmith) writes: >In article <> (Robert Dominy) writes: >>Might as well shut down this board... >> >>An article in the Wall Street Journal (1/28/91) announced that >>Microsoft has officially dropped development of OS/2 in favor of >>windows. >> >>Tough luck! >> >>------------------------------- >>Robert Dominy >>NASA Goddard Space Flight Center >Can this really be true? >I'm not a Wall Street Journal guy. What section, what page? >Can they be serious? (Microsoft, that is) >Have they conceded to the DOS users who don't know HOW to multitask >the UNIX users who can already do it and don't want to change, and the >mainframers who would like to keep their jobs? >What about the small companies who, courted by Microsoft to develop for >OS/2, are left holding (semi)dead products? Will they be satisfied >by crippling their products for Windows? >Please take no offense at the above statements, they are not intended >to provoke. >Any comments? >-- >David M. Arasmith | Internet >Emory University | {sun!sunatl,gatech}!emory!arasmith UUCP >Dept of Math and CS | >Atlanta, GA 30322 | I should be working! Gee....I wonder what's on TV? Hey! what's happening here. Any followup from people at Microsoft? They better improve windows a lot, or get rid of the DOS base. ---------------------------- Peter Goodall Smalltalk Systems Consultant ObjecTech P/L 162 Burns Bay Rd, LANE COVE , NSW, AUSTRALIA