Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!ogicse!milton!unicorn!n8840371 From: (Todd Crowe) Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.programmer Subject: Re: Advice with using VioGetPhysicalBuffer? Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Feb 91 20:10:46 GMT References: <> Organization: Western Washington University, Bellingham WA. Lines: 23 writes: >Anybody got any advice on producing graphics on OS2 without going through PM? >(I know, I know, stupid but got to do it!) >Basically I have to put up a company logo on an OS2 full-screen when the produc >starts up. This being practically a straight DOS conversion, the product is >being given a total DOS feel and thus no PM is wanted. >Micheal Youngs book on OS2 suggest using VioGetPhysicalBuffer to get a hold on >the video ram and then writing directly to it with threads handling switching >and redrawing. It looks very intricate, nasty etc, so I would like to know what >problems are going to be involved in doing this and any experiences anyone has >had in similar circumstances. Any easier way of doing this or a better book on >the subject that Micheal Young's? I can't give you any specifics, but I played around with this about 6 months ago. Take a look at _Inside OS/2_ by Gordon Letwin. He gives a fairly complete plain English desciption of how to do it. The main problem is keeping track of screen-group switches - relinquishing and regaining control depending on which group has the screen focus. | Todd Crowe | | or |