Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!caen!!emory!hubcap!Steven From: (Steven Ericsson Zenith) Newsgroups: comp.parallel Subject: Re: Re producers and consumers Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Feb 91 17:58:47 GMT References: <> Sender: Lines: 143 Approved: In-Reply-To:'s message of 29 Jan 91 21:35:00 GMT In article <> ("Phillip M. Hallam-Baker") writes: from the article: Jaap Hollenberg "People are getting more comfortable with parallelism" - an interview .... >> There is a tremendous amount of >management function placed on him. In the parallel Fortran paradigm the user >has very little management requirement, he can write an algorithm that - apart >from the fact that he must use the number of processors - works very much like >the programming paradigm he is used to. ... Does anybody have any comments regarding this article ? Particularly, can we say that occam is a producer-initiated language and Fortran is a consumer-initiated language ? ..... yes I have a comment 1 I am unable to understand what it means 2 I don't agree with the parts I can make out. The premise of the article apears to be that communication based languages such as occam are less efficient than parallel fortran. The justification for this apears to be that interprocess communication involves a lot of copying of data. The first point I would make is that `efficiency' is very much less important to me than coding clarity. I am quite prepared to sacrifice half my CPU time if it makes the code easier to maintain. The amount of code I see which has turned into useless junk because of (frequently misguided) attempts at `optimisation' is quite depressing. If the code dosen't run fast enough I would prefer to write a tool to perform the optimisation of the code than start hacking arround in `parallel fortran'. The clarity of the CSP model and the simplicity of coding it allows are for me it's most significant advantage. The premise of the article is probably correct. I agree that coding clarity is important, but (and this is especially the case on the transputer since it is so slow) efficiency is important. Why is this? Well it derives from the fact that anyone writing parallel code today is almost certainly doing so because they are looking for high performance. My second point is that I do not beleive that the CSP paradigm is inefficient. Most communications between processes involve small packets of data. Time taken to copy the data is then less significant than the time taken to set up the transfer. Well, I would like to see a study done of the claim in your second sentence here - but it's still going to be a few years before parallel programming has been so common place that a study of programming practices can produce meaningful results. Your comments are however counter to my experience with Occam. Many times I received desperate pleas from INMOS marketing asking me to talk to a customer because the parallel code running on their shiny new box of 16 transputers only ran at twice (or at times half :) the speed of their single processor workstation. The reason almost always was that they were paying a copy penalty. I see no evidence to support your claim and my experience suggests otherwise. Indeed, in your environment, it may seem that processes involve small packets of data *because* the programmers involved are aware they will incur a copy penalty if they do otherwise. Programming Language Semiotics are a big interest of mine - we should talk about such issues offline. I agree that passing data arround a single processor via a common block may be faster for large amounts of data but that trick is not particularly effective between different processors (even with shared memory ). In any case it is a technique allowed in the inmos occam compiler - just turn off the useage checking. Where has your requirement for coding clarity gone? ... Out the window, that's where ;-) This just isn't convincing - look, the fact is anyone wanting to write "efficient", topology specific Occam code does turn the usage checker off. >From what I hear of Occam 3 (Eek) there will now be cludges in the language which are there essentially in recognition of this fact. Thirdly what is meant by >>>>> In the >parallel Fortran area (anybody's standard, IBM, PCF) it is a receiver-initiated >transmission.You can assume that the data is somehow left behind by name by the >producers (we typically associate that with a storage cell in a shared-memory) >and the consumer then names the data and retrieves it under its own-initiative <<<<< Most Americans will not understand you're puzzlement or what you mean by "what is meant by". It seems perfectly clear to me - although it is written in American English not Oxford English. I'll translate: * "In parallel Fortran (any standard) we can call communication *. Data is created by producers and mapped by *receivers to local names." Ok, the American original waffles and is imprecise (and it's not clear that my interpretation is correct) - but come on this is News not IEEE transactions or an Oxford monograph, and if you want to understand what people in the USA say you'll have to be less pompous. Fourthly Occam and CSP are neither receiver nor originator oriented. The whole point is that the communication is symetric. The only exception is the occam ALT which only allows input guards. However it is simple enough to extend the model to output guards - the only problem being that you start to lose efficiency since you have to provide a global synchronisation between all pairs of processes which might possibly be engaging either directly or indirectly in a given guarded communication. My advice to anyone wanting to write "efficient" Occam programs is "don't use alt". But anyhow, now you're waffling (and maybe I am too:). I wish people (and esp. people at Oxford) would stop using CSP and Occam in the same breath. Occam is, at best, a poor and imperfect copy of CSP. CSP is a rich and very elegant process mathematics (one of several such notations around these days) and in its mathematical context it is very useful to language designers and computer architects like myself. But, hey, I wouldn't ever give it to a programmer to write a program in! To associate this fine work with Occam continually is to do CSP a disservice. Occam was a nice try, another step, didn't quite work out, I think some of us learned a few lessons from it, time to move on. Hey, have you ever had that Deja vu feeling? I'm almost certain I've said this before ;-) [for the benefit of comp.parallel readers]. And in answer to the (rephrased) original question (I don't know the originators id): "can we say that occam is ... producer-initiated ... and [the] Fortran [model] is a consumer-initiated ..." No, I don't think we can say this. As Phillip says in his fourth point, in Occam the synchronization characteristics of input and output are such that either side can actually "initiate" a data exchange and semantically the event happens when both processes are ready. I guess we could use the term "consumer-initiated" (or "receiver-initiated") for the Fortran model but I'm not sure it is strictly correct or useful to do so. Steven --