Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!swrinde!!!hplabs!hpfcso!hpfcdj!myers From: myers@hpfcdj.HP.COM (Bob Myers) Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: Re: 3dB rolloff of a human (was Re: HELP!) Message-ID: <17660145@hpfcdj.HP.COM> Date: 28 Jan 91 19:50:30 GMT References: <> Organization: Hewlett Packard -- Fort Collins, CO Lines: 24 >To clear up: > 1) Voltage is analogous to pressure. > 2) Amperage is analogous to flow rate. > 3) WATTAGE is analogous to force. Not exactly. "Wattage" is, as you may recall, NOT analogous to force but IS an expression of *power*. Voltage - more precisely, electric potential - IS a force. Ever hear the phrase, "electromotive force?" And note that you distinguished "pressure" and "force" in the above; exactly how do you distinguish these? In any event, it is not the power level that kills, exactly - unless you're concerned about killing the subject via internal heating. The question is the level of *current* which will interfere with the heart's natural "control signals." Long before there is any actual damage to the tissue due to electrical effects (heating), the heart has "lost sync" and the subject is (or very soon will be) dead. My, but this is a cheery string, isn't it? :-) Bob Myers KC0EW HP Graphics Tech. Div.| Opinions expressed here are not Ft. Collins, Colorado | those of my employer or any other | sentient life-form on this planet.