Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!!!emv From: ("(Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)") Subject: [sun-managers] Summary: remote install of 4.1.1 Message-ID: <> Followup-To: list.sun-managers Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: ("(Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)") Organization: OTA Limited Partnership References: <> Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1991 01:46:32 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: list.sun-managers Archive-name: sys/sun/brossard-sun-install/0-- Archive: [] Original-posting-by: ("(Alain Brossard EPFL-SIC/SII)") Original-subject: Summary: remote install of 4.1.1 Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) There has been a lot of interest in the way I bring up 4.1.1 on remote machines (without cd-drives). It took me this long to reasonably test everything and to stop adding features. In this document, I'll try to describe everything I did. It does look long and it did take me a while to implement, but the result is definitely worth it. You will want to modify the scripts for your own setup. But first a quick summary: We have 3 cd-drives and about 150 machines on campus. The main idea is to have the cd-drives centraly located and have all the other machines use them remotely but (and this is the catch) without having to go through the hassle of setting up diskless clients all over the place. I also tried to preserve security whenever I could and took advantage of the fact that suninstall was running under the control of my script to include all the security fix I know about, to fix up rc*, to put in DNS, dynamically linked mount and rcp and so on. At the time I installed 4.1.1 on my machine, I added (using suninstall) 4 diskless clients, one per architecture, called epflsun3, epflsun3x, ... I then copied a few files over from the miniroot (among which suninstall :-) over to my /export hierarchy. When we want to bring up a machine to 4.1.1, I run a script on my machine setting bootparams, permissions and so on: about 60 seconds in all and the remote machine can then boot diskless from mine. Once booted, no need to copy the miniroot, just run suninstall et voila! In fact, suninstall can be run remotely since we are running multi-user and since the cd-drive can accomodate more than one user, we are not limited to upgrading one machine at a time. We still haven't received our official tapes and documentation of 4.1.1, so the following was done without any documentation. This document and assorted scripts and tar files can be found by anonymous ftp on the machine ( under the install.4.1.1.Z. I describe each part of my "distribution" at the end of this document and in the file README. I'll be updating the copy on ltisun as improvements are made and eventually submit to whole package to comp.sys.sun to be archived. [340 lines of installation instructions deleted. --Ed]