Newsgroups: comp.archives Path: utzoo!!!emv From: (Andy Malis) Subject: [list.iplpdn] Frame Relay introduction to the IETF plenary Message-ID: <> Followup-To: list.iplpdn Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: (Andy Malis) Organization: OTA Limited Partnership References: <9103070803.aa03056@NRI.NRI.Reston.VA.US> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1991 03:33:25 GMT Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: list.iplpdn Archive-name: internet/public-datanet/frame-relay/1991-03-07 Archive: [] Original-posting-by: (Andy Malis) Original-subject: Frame Relay introduction to the IETF plenary Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) On Tuesday afternoon, I am scheduled to present an introduction to Frame Relay to the IETF plenary. If you are interested in the subject, please attend my talk so that I don't have to repeat it the next morning to the working group. That'll give us more time to spend discussing issues in the working group meeting. As an additional service to all of you iplpdn'ers out there: If you would like an advance look at my overhead slides, would like a copy to wrote notes on as I talk, or can't attend IETF but would still like to look at my slides, they are available by anonymous ftp in postscript form. Ftp to (, and log in using anonymous (any password). The file is pub/ It's 219K in size, and contains 40 slides (one per page). It should print on most any postscript printer. (It started life as Macintosh postscript, but has been post-processed by "macps"). Also coming very soon to an iplpdn mailing list near you - the latest version of the Frame Relay encapsulation draft specification, now presented jointly by BBN and Wellfleet, for discussion in the working group meeting. The specification has been amended quite a bit, so please read it through in preparation for the working group meeting. I expect you'll see it sometime today - it's getting a few final editorial touches even as I type. Enjoy, and see you in St. Louis, Andy