Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!usc!rpi!!ncar!gatech!udel!haven!ncifcrf!oberste From: (Oberste) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.lans Subject: Packet Driver conflict with HP Vectra and Netware Rconsole Keywords: vectra rconsole packet driver conflict Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Mar 91 17:37:40 GMT Organization: NCI Supercomputer Center, Frederick, MD Lines: 33 Here's an interesting problem, which is actually 2 problems: I tried to set up an HP Vectra (AT-clone) with a 3c501 card and the Clarkson packet driver, v. 7.2. When the packet driver is executed, the computer freezes (cold boot time). I have tried every combination of I/O address, interrupt, etc., to no avail. I removed all boards except the disk controller and EGA, to minimize conflicts. If I bypass the packet driver and use a board-specific driver to gen for Netware 3.1, everything works great (but then I can't use NCSA Telnet). Part II: I cannot access the Netware remote console, rconsole, from any machine using a 3c501 and the packet driver. When I try, the initial rconsole screen appears and I can choose a server and enter the password, but it cannot connect to the server and the system stops with "press Esc..." and then hangs (reboot time). on the console screen is a message like "remote console connection cleared for station X", X being my ethernet address. When I reboot, the console says "remote console connection _granted_ for ...". These messages are the reverse of the normal situation. Rconsole works fine from the above- mentioned Vectra without the packet driver. Is there a call in the packet driver that is somehow sending both the Vectra and rconsole out to lunch, or what? If anyone has any ideas to fix the problem or to troubleshoot in more detail (I have access to a sniffer, but don't know what to look for), please let me know. Thanks a bunch. Steve -- Steve Oberste Internet: LCMS, PRI, NCI-FCRDC PO Box B "Only 2 things are truly universal: Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 Hydrogen and Stupidity"