Path: utzoo!!!!!mips!!tandem!netcom!gandrews From: gandrews@netcom.COM (Greg Andrews) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Telebit Modem with Courier HST dual Summary: HST Dual and TrailBlazer can't connect above 2400 Keywords: modem telebit courier-hst uucp Message-ID: <26907@netcom.COM> Date: 5 Mar 91 07:11:01 GMT References: <1148@logixwi.UUCP> Followup-To: comp.dcom.modems Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services UNIX System {408 241-9760 guest} Lines: 20 In article <1148@logixwi.UUCP> jpm@logixwi.UUCP (Jan-Piet Mens @ Logix GmbH, Wiesbaden) writes: > >I am trying to get UUCP to dial on a Courier HST Dual-standard modem >at 9600 bd or above, to connect to a Telebit Trailblazer. >Does anyone have a dialer program (SCO UNIX 3.2.2) or any tips on how >to set up the Courier? > If that really is a TrailBlazer or a TrailBlazer Plus, you can't get a connection above 2400 bps. The HST Dual and TB+ don't have the same high speed modulations. If the Telebit modem is a T2500, then they can connect at 9600 bps using the V.32 modulation. (sorry - I don't have any Dialers info for an HST Dual) -- .-------------------------------------------. | Greg Andrews | gandrews@netcom.COM | `-------------------------------------------'