Path: utzoo!!!uunet!!decwrl!llustig!david From: (David Schachter) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Hayes Smartmodem 9600 troubles Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Mar 91 09:33:18 GMT References: <> <3827.27d24b3a@hayes.uucp> Organization: Greenwire Consulting Lines: 52 In article <3827.27d24b3a@hayes.uucp> tnixon@hayes.uucp writes: >Like any other error-control modem, the VSM9600 performs best with a >protocol that doesn't stop and wait for acknowledgements after every >frame. I'm not familiar enough with UUCP to suggest what settings >or alternatives you might have to consider to make it work better. >The VSM9600 generally works better than PEP with stop-and-wait >protocols because its turnaround time is so much faster, but there >will nevertheless be some degradation from optimum. Toby is being a bit disingenuous here. His "The VSM9600 generally works better than PEP with stop-and-wait protocols" is true for non-spoofed protocols. The original interrogative was why the Hayes modem runs like a dead dog on a hot August day with uucp; for UUCP, PEP beats the Hayes by a country mile because PEP spoofs UUCP, converting into a non-stop-and-wait protocol. <> Toby's articles generally have a low hype-to-information ratio but this one seemed to be worded Just So. I respect Toby a lot; surely someone cracked his account and faked his article. The Telebit PEP modems with UUCP spoofing have proven themselves over and over and over; even the Energizer bunny rabbit is a Johnny-come-lately compared to them. If you want good UUCP performance over a regular dial-up phone line, you have two choices: buy an non-Telebit modem and complain about lousy UUCP throughput, or buy a Telebit and save money and headaches. If you opt for the first alter- rnative, you can buy an expensive Hayes modem, to support Toby's Usenet news habit and get a modem which works quite well, or you can buy a cheapo modem from a cheapo company and get a modem which may work well enough. You'll curse yourself later, whichever solution you pick, but at least with the cheapo modem you haven't wasted as much money initially. Or you can buy a Telebit, spend a few hours cursing the manual, and never worry about UUCP performance and crummy phone lines again. The Telebit will connect on incredibly bad phone lines and spoof UUCP's send-and-wait protocol to get the data through, quickly and without complaint, over and over and over. No, I don't have stock in 'em; I do have Telebits. Various other parts of the systems I fiddle with die, burn out, fail, go bonkers, eat the big one, and join that great Computer Center in the Sky; my Telebits just keep on working. Now if Hayes would like to get on the wagon instead of trying to tip it over... <> David Schachter voice phone: +1 415 328 7425 internet: uucp: ...!{decwrl,mips,sgi}!llustig!david -- David Schachter voice phone: +1 415 328 7425 internet: uucp: ...!{decwrl,mips,sgi}!llustig!david