Path: utzoo!!!usc!!!!paperboy!!!!randy From: (Randall Smith) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: > CODEX modems: Any experiences Message-ID: Date: 5 Mar 91 23:37:23 GMT Sender: (News system) Reply-To: Distribution: comp Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lines: 53 I mailed the below to Thad last week, but either he didn't get the mail or he ignored it, judging from his subsequent postings. I'm sending this via a friend because posting doesn't seem to work from this site. (Yes, I *KNOW* we're a datacom company, but... :-) References: <> <1939@public.BTR.COM> In comp.dcom.modems you write: >I don't know where CODEX is located! :-) 20 Cabot Blvd. Mansfield, Ma. 02048-1193 (508) 261-4000 California (Bay Area) Customer Service: 1400 Fashion Island Blvd Suite 510 San Mateo, CA 94404 (415) 341-1616 I hope this helps. I am not an expert on our modems (though on my latest project, I'm learning fast! :-); my work has been in stat muxing and network management. I'd be happy to help further if I could. >Sigh, such appears to NOT be the case in light of my continuing problems ONLY >with them and their CODEX modems. I'm not going to embarrass "them" publicly, >so don't ask. Please don't embarass us publicly, either, at least until you're certain the problem is ours! You said yourself that this site had a history of mis-configuring their modems. Perhaps that's the only reason for the problem. I don't know how well the 2264 talks to a Trailblazer; frankly, that's not an application I'm aware of *our* customers needing often. (Again, I'm not an expert on Codex modems!) Most of our modem business is in the leased-line area (where our customer satisfaction ratings are consistently the highest in the industry, by any poll I've seen. Really.) Best of luck getting this to work. If/when you find the problem, I hope you'll post an explanation on the net (whether it was a problem in configuration or in the modems themselves.) Regardless, please don't judge us only by this one bad experience. Overall, Codex's customers seem to be very pleased with our products! Regards, Dan Breslau uunet!codex!dan Disclaimer: I am speaking for myself only; I am not an official spokesperson for Codex.