Path: utzoo!!!yale!cmcl2!uupsi!schoff From: (Martin Schoffstall) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Internet at home ? Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Mar 91 02:27:21 GMT References: <> <> <92422@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> Distribution: comp Organization: Performance Systems International, Inc. Lines: 15 > > In general yes, with regard to specific X11 products available, no. >Take a look at NCD's Xremote and GraphOn's X Terminal products. I think >you'll be amazed at how well X11 works across the phone lines. With V.42/V.42bis turned on, even a limited 19" Visual, with a "limited T2500" (DTE limited to 19,200kbps) using V.32 is pretty impressive. For this we used a cisco MSM/2, so the IO was a little more "distributed". I'd like to here about anyone using Xremote with a modem that will DTE at 38.4kbps through a terminal server. We have the modems (Datatel rack mounts) but not the NCD. I'll betcha it is a screamer especially with an MSM/3. It really makes you wonder about ISDN.... Marty