Path: utzoo!!!uunet!!hoss!nolan From: (Michael Nolan) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Does UUNET still have the best deal on T2500's? Message-ID: Date: 6 Mar 91 03:36:05 GMT References: <1991Mar4.215333.7087@intek01.uucp> <> Sender: (Network News Administer) Reply-To: Organization: University of Nebraska - Lincoln Lines: 21 (Larry Blair) writes: >Uunet never had the best deal. Several times I've posted info about a >company named Andataco that was cheaper than uunet. They are in San Diego. >I don't have all the info here, but my rolo shows: >Joshua Wells >(805)523-8980 >He runs an Orange county office. Actually, Josh told me he runs it out of a spare bedroom at home. His price on the Telebit T1600 was $550, on allocation (2-3 weeks delay) His price on the Telebit T2500 was $870, shipment right away. I hate to say it, but DDMI has a better price on the T1600, and I think on the T2500 as well. If the guy wasn't so inconsiderate on the net..... Michael Nolan