Path: utzoo!!!usc!!!!!bionet!agate!ucbvax!GAMMA.IS.TCU.EDU!WILLIAMS From: WILLIAMS@GAMMA.IS.TCU.EDU Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: couple of notes Message-ID: Date: 6 Mar 91 01:56:00 GMT Sender: usenet@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Organization: The Internet Lines: 45 John Cummins of OkState writes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is my understanding of the HST dual standard that 1) If you want the best throughput and opt for a fixed link speed between your computer and the modem, 2) And you want callers to be able to connect at v.32 or HST whichever they are using... You're out of luck. Such was the argument that defeated my urge to purchase a dual standard. Question: If you DON'T use fixed link speeds, how can you take advantage of data-compression??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not sure where you've gotten your information, but this is simply _not true_. I have two V.32bis Dual Standards and they do, in fact, support fixed link rates - all the way up to 38.4k, twice as fast as the port speed of many other high speed modems - while allowing connections both to HST, V.32 and V.32bis callers. The Dual Standards use ATB0 and ATB1 to select the answer sequence (CCITT or HST). _________________________________ I called the CompuCom Corporation today to ask them about their "revolutionary modem" and see if I could be a fly in their ointment, so to speak. They told me that their device was asymetrical 9600/300 and she didn't know if it was autoswitching. I would hope for their sake it is. She's sending me some product literature (so I guess I'll be on the mailing list of some shyster marketing company) _________________________________ Has there been any word on the CCITT V.32bis standard as the ballot closed some days ago? The consensus appeared to be that no changes were expected so those companies with V.32bis models in production I'm sure are anxiously awaiting confirmation of their investment. TTFN, Mark Williams