Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!!caen!umich!sharkey!nstar!larry From: (Larry Snyder) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Hayes Smartmodem 9600 troubles Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Mar 91 14:34:47 GMT References: <> <3827.27d24b3a@hayes.uucp> <> Organization: NSTAR BBS - 8 lines - 1350 conferences - 4200 megabytes Lines: 31 (David Schachter) writes: >If you want good UUCP performance over a regular dial-up phone line, you have >two choices: buy an non-Telebit modem and complain about lousy UUCP throughput, >or buy a Telebit and save money and headaches. If you opt for the first alter- >rnative, you can buy an expensive Hayes modem, to support Toby's Usenet news >habit and get a modem which works quite well, or you can buy a cheapo modem >from a cheapo company and get a modem which may work well enough. You'll curse >yourself later, whichever solution you pick, but at least with the cheapo modem >you haven't wasted as much money initially. >Or you can buy a Telebit, spend a few hours cursing the manual, and never worry >about UUCP performance and crummy phone lines again. The Telebit will connect >on incredibly bad phone lines and spoof UUCP's send-and-wait protocol to get >the data through, quickly and without complaint, over and over and over. We have multiple Telebits here on, and I agree - they keep on working - and provide excellent throughput - but on the other hand - we also have USR dual standard modems - and they also keep on working HST - HST uucp through is the pits (350 cps at best) - while the V.32 to V.32 uucp runs right at 900 cps. V.32 - V.32 using v.342bis runs around 1400 cps - just as fast as the Telebits - but the Telebits hold noisy lines better (we all know that) - -- Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287 (HST/PEP/V.32/v.42bis) regional UUCP mapping coordinator {, ..!uunet!!larry}