Xref: utzoo comp.unix.sysv386:5758 comp.dcom.modems:8642 Path: utzoo!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!wuarchive!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!casbah.acns.nwu.edu!ucsd!pacbell.com!tandem!netcom!gandrews From: gandrews@netcom.COM (Greg Andrews) Newsgroups: comp.unix.sysv386,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: Trailblazer settings under ISC v2.2 Summary: Only if it's not a 'Plus' and you don't have v3 firmware. Message-ID: <27256@netcom.COM> Date: 7 Mar 91 15:27:04 GMT References: <1991Mar6.152028.3748@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> Distribution: comp.unix.sysv386,comp.dcom.modems Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services UNIX System {408 241-9760 guest} Lines: 28 In article <1991Mar6.152028.3748@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> brando@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu (Brandon Brown) writes: >On pages 251-252, the ISC "Unix System Maintenance Procedures" Guide gives >the suggested settings for the Telebit TrailBlazer PLUS modems. > >A couple of the settings they tell you to set will return an error on >the modem. The two I get errors on are: > > ATX3 > ATS51=254 > >I understand that I may not have the PLUS series of modems, so what should >I be using in place of these? > The version 3 firmware had both of those settings, and it was the first version with complete support for Unix things (like uucp transfers). Type "ATI3" and find out what version of firmware you have in your modem. Then call Telebit tech support. They can tell you what kinds of features your modem currently supports, and can give you a number for testing PEP connections. The number is 1-800-TELEBIT. -- .-------------------------------------------. | Greg Andrews | gandrews@netcom.COM | `-------------------------------------------'