Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Path: utzoo!censor!meadow!py From: py@meadow.uucp (Peter Yeung) Subject: V.32 modems Message-ID: <1991Mar7.052546.12191@meadow.uucp> Reply-To: py@meadow.UUCP (Peter Yeung) Organization: Amdahl Canada Ltd., Software Development Center Distribution: comp Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 05:25:46 GMT We have a Telebit T2500 at work, I would like to get a V.32 modem such that I can dial up our machine at work at 9600 baud. After searching a bit, I found that the cheapest V.32 modem available in Toronto is the GVC V.32 modem (CAN$499 in a computer fair). However, I read something about the incompability of different brands of V.32 modems. I tried to get the vendors to let me try to dial up our machine but none of them willing to do so. A "technical person" in the fair told me that Telebit modems usually have difficulties communicating with modems of other brands at 9600 baud (any comments?). Since I am not going to spend $500+tax on something that may not be compatible with what we have at work, I would like to know if anyone has experience with the GVC V.32 modem? How compatible is it with Telebit T2500 and other brands like USRobotics and Hayes V.32 modems? Thanks in advance! -- Peter Yeung Amdahl Canada Ltd., Software Development Center 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 2, Suite 300 Mississauga, Ont. L5N 1V8 Phone: (416) 542-6300 Fax: (416) 858-2233