Path: utzoo!!!wuarchive!mit-eddie!media-lab!cas From: cas@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Scud) Newsgroups: comp.dsp Subject: Re: Nyquist Rate Message-ID: <5410@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> Date: 3 Mar 91 17:36:30 GMT References: <> Reply-To: (Scud) Organization: MIT Media Lab, Cambridge MA Lines: 22 In article <> (Doug Reynolds) writes: >In a pervious post, someone brought up the theoretical problem that you >sample a sine wave with frequency f at exactly 2*f, but your first sample >is perfectly lined up at t=0. Thus it would seem that your sample stream would >then be all zeros makeing it impossible to reconstruct the original sine wave. > >I have tried to reconcile this, but to no ava as of yet. Does anyone else >have any ideas on this? It's just a matter of "greater than" versus "greater than or equal to." Nyquist's theorem claims that the sampling frequency should be strictly greater than twice the frequency of the highest component of your signal. Usually this distiction isn't a big deal, but there is indeed aliasing if you sample at exactly the Nyquist rate. In the sine wave example of the previous posting, you'll get impulses at +/- f with magnitudes +/- 1/2j. When you periodically replicate the sine spectrum, the positive impulses cancel the negative impulses and you get a DTFT of zero, as predicted. In the case of a cosine you get lucky and the impulses add, so the aliasing isn't destructive and you can reconstruct your signal (although you will be off by a constant factor). Casimir Wierzynski