Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!!!unmvax!uokmax!!sharda From: (Ramesh Sharda) Newsgroups: comp.infosystems Subject: Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Mar 91 19:09:32 GMT Sender: (Ramesh Sharda) Organization: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Lines: 82 Call For Papers Computer Science and Operations Research: New Developments in Their Interfaces Operations Research Society of America Computer Science Technical Section's Conference January 8-10, 1992 Williamsburg, Virginia The conference will feature contributed papers, panel discussions on current issues,introductory tutorials on contemporary topics and software, and exhibits by vendors. We encourage submissions that satisfy one or more of the following criteria: (a) operations research (OR) is applied to a computer science (CS) problem; (b) CS is applied to an OR problem; (C) results are drawn from both OR and CS;and/or (d) results enter uncharted areas that have the potential of advancing OR and/or CS and are in their interfaces. The figure below illustrates CS areas that can be applied to OR problems, and OR areas that can be applied to CS problems. Computer Science Operations Research Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Modeling and Analysis Computer Architecture Computational Probability and Analysis Computer Graphics Decision Analysis and Support Systems Database Engineering Design and Analysis of Algorithms Distributed Computing Fuzzy Systems Expert Systems Heuristic Search and Learning Hypermedia and Hypertext Mathematical Programming Image Processing/Computer Vision Model Development and Management Information Storage and Retrieval Networks Information Systems Optimization Languages Queuing Theory Operating Systems Representability and Computational Parallel Computer/Processing Logic Performance Evaluation Scheduling Robotics Simulation and Modeling Software Engineering Stochastic Models/Processes Telecommunications DEADLINES AND REQUIREMENTS All submissions should be sent to General Chairman Osman Balci (address bottom). All submission papers will be strictly refereed. Papers will be accepted in two categories: (1) for conference presentation only, with an abstract appearing in the conference program guide; and (2) for both conference presentation and publication in a book to be published by Pergamon Press, Oxford, England. The book will bear the same name as the conference, and will be disseminated worldwide. Each registered conference attendee will receive a free copy of the book. MAY 1, 1991-Submit four copies of contributed papers that have not previously been published or presented. All submitted papers must be relevant to the conference theme and cover new developments in the interfaces of Computer Science and Operations Research. Full-length papers are required. Each submitted paper: (1) must have an abstract and a list of key words; (2) must be typed by using 12-point Times-Roman font; and (3) must not exceed 25 doubles-spaces pages in length. AUGUST 15, 1991-Receive notification of presentation acceptance. NOVEMBER 1, 1991-Provide camera-ready copies of papers accepted for publication in the book. Submission of papers or proposals implies that the author will attend the conference at his or her own expense if the submission is accepted. For further information regarding the conference, please contact General Chairman Osman Balci. General Chairman Program Committee Osman Balci Ramesh Sharda Department of Computer Science Program Co-Chair Virginia Polytechnic Institute Oklahoma State University and State University Stillwater, OK 74078 Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0106 mgmtrsh@osucc.bitnet balci@vtvm1.bitnet Stavros Zenios (703) 231-4841 Program Co-Chair Fax: (703) 231-6075 The Wharton School