Path: utzoo!!!usc!!!emory!hubcap!jacob From: (Peter Jacobsson) Newsgroups: comp.parallel Subject: Simulation of distributed memory computers Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Mar 91 07:33:40 GMT Sender: Organization: Dep. of Info.Proc, Umea Univ., Sweden Lines: 290 Approved: Originator: Last week I posted a request for material on simulators of distributed memory computers. These are the answers I have received. I would like to thank all of you who responded. From: Jesper Vasell N[r jag var p} SPDP90 (Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing) i December s} tr{ffade jag en australiensare som hade utvecklat n}gonting }t det h}llet. Hans namn och adress {r: A.N. Pears La Trobe University Bundoora 3083 Australia ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: " (Roland Ruehl)" @inproceedings{K9, author = "P. Beadle and C. Pommerell and M. Annaratone", title = "{K9}: A simulator of distributed-memory parallel processors", booktitle = "Proc. Supercomputing 89", address = "Reno, Nevada", organization = "ACM-IEEE", page = "765-774", month = "November", year = "1989"} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Marc Brandis K9 Simulator Integrated Systems Laboratory ETH-Zentrum, ETZ Building CH-8092 Zurich Prof. Marco Annaratone, email Claude Pommerell, email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tve@sprite.Berkeley.EDU (Thorsten von Eicken) I'm starting to work on a similar thing. My goal is to be able to measure the impact of changing architecture features on application performance. In particular the network interfaces... My major goal is to be able to simulate 1000 processors on a 1000 processors. I think that traditional simulation won't do it. I'll have to `compile-in' the simulation stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Suresh Srinivas I am working on some kind of a simulator too. What I am trying to do, is to have a simulated environment for executing parallel programs and experimenting with paradigms. At present, I am trying to get an Actor based model to work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: T.H. Dunigan group at Roak Ridge National Laboratory, TN 37831 has developed one or two simulator(s) for message-passing architecture (e.g. iPSC) in 1986. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: tiff@CS.UCLA.EDU (Tiffany Frazier) Many of us at UCLA are using SIMON - which is exactly what you describe. Univ. of Utah - Fujimoto ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jean-yves Colin In 1989, A.Joubert in France, built such a simulator, called SiGLe. It was his PhD subject and the result was really interesting. You could try to contact his co-author, F.Andre at '' (if she still works there !). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John.Willis@CS.CMU.EDU Auriga is an experimental optimizing compiler translating VHDL models (such as a multiprocessor) into a parallel simulation running on a network of message-passing nodes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeg brukte et halvt aar paa aa simulere oppfoerselen av programmer skrevet i POOL, eksekvert paa POOMA-maskinen, (for en introduksjon til begge se proceedings, PARLE 1989). Jeg har et paper om det som jeg kan sende deg dersom det er av interesse, men dette er forholdsvis hoeynivaa simulering, og overser detaljer som registerbruk, "peephole"-optimaliseringer etc. Petter Moe Department of Computer Systems and Telematics The Norwegian Institute of Technology phone: +47-7-593470 N-7034 TRONDHEIM - NTH fax: +47-7-594466 NORWAY e-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ronald H Davis) Jeffrey T. Kreulen and Matthew J. Thazhuthaveetil. "Application-dependent Simulation of Microprocessor-based Multiprocessors" Microprocessors and Microsystems. september 1990. the authorsy are affiliated with pennsylvania state university (usa) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Miltos Dimitris Grammatikakis 1) L. G. Valiant, " Experiments with a parallel communication scheme ", Proceedings of the 18th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, University of Illinois, October 1980, pp. 802-811. 2) L. Kleinrock, Communication Networks, Mc Graw Hill 1964. 3) M. Grammatikakis, S. Lakshmivarahan, and S. K. Dhall, "Experiments on Probabilistic Routing for a Generalized Hypercube ", Proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Computing 1989, pp. 131-133. 4) M. Grammatikakis, S. Lakshmivarahan, and S. K. Dhall, "Packet Routing for Generalized Hypercube ", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Computer, Information and Communication Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 1990, pp. 159-164. 5) M. Grammatikakis, "Probabilistic Routing Algorithms for Generalized Hypercube", Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Computer, Information and Communication Systems, Baltimore, MD, March 1991 ( submitted ). 6) D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, " Optimal BPC Permutations on a Cube Connected SIMD Computer ", IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-31 (4), April 1982 pp. 338-341. As a last note let me say that I am simulating the star network and connection machine. If you need a copy of 3,4,5, above let me know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Matt Haines) I know that there is an NCube simulator that runs on Sun's, but that's about all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Claude Jard) I am working on simulation, and that for several years. We have designed different kinds of simulator, all based on the Estelle description language. The Estelle model (now an ISO standard for describing protocols) is very closed to the model of Distributed Memory Parallel Computers like iPSC if you look at the system level. Maybe too abstract for your purpose but solves some problems for developing distributed programs. References: C. Jard, R. Groz, JF. Monin, Development of Veda: a Prototyping Tool for Distributed Algorithms, IEEE tr. on SE, Vol14, no3, March 88. C. Jard, JM, Jezequel, A Multiprocessor Estelle to C Compiler to prototype Distributed Algorithms on Parallel Machines, proc. of the 9th IFIP int. symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Twente univ., The Netherlands, North-Holland, June 89. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ignatios Souvatzis) Contact Tom Dunigan at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US of A), . He has an IPS/2 simulator for a single or a net of homogenous workstations of BSD Unix systems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: O A El-Ghajiji I am working on a parallel computer simulator as a part of my Ph. d. research. It will simulate a dataflow multiprocessor computer. The objectives of the simulator is to obtain an approximate execution times for a number of different algorithms by varying some hardware parameters. Mr Otman A. El-Ghajiji School of electrical engineering University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath Avon United Kingdom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: agn@Eng.Sun.COM (Andreas G. Nowatzyk) I wrote several of those. Two of them are described in my PhD thesis, "A Communication Architecture for Multiprocessor Networks", CMU-CS-89-181, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: You may be interested in a set of tools (TCGMSG) that we have developed and been using for the last year. TCGMSG is aimed at scientific applications in FORTRAN or C and strives to provide a robust, portable and efficient message passing environment. Robert J. Harrison tel: (708) 972-7197 E-mail:, harrison@anlchm.bitnet letter: Bldg. 200, Theoretical Chemistry Group, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: upchurch@hyper-gemini.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Ed Upchurch) I have done a considerable amount of modeling and simulating distributed memory architectures particularily hypercubes built here at CalTech and JPL. I have detailed models of the Mark III and of the next generation of our own adaptive routing/fault tolerant hypercube architecture. The models use SES/workbench an easy to use graphical modeling language. Dr Ed Upchurch Jet Propulsion Lab CalTech 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, California 91109 (818) 354-8731 upchurch@hyper-gemini.Jpl.Nasa.Gov ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Roldan Pozo We have a generic simulator that runs on any Unix box. The simulator was developed by Oliver McBryan, the director of the Center for Applied Parallel Processing, and handles iPSC/1, iSPC/2, iPSC/860, and Caltech message primitives. *********** ***** ***** Roldan Pozo ***** ***** Center for Applied Parallel Processing ***** ***** and Department of Computer Science ***** ***** University of Colorado ***** ***** Boulder, CO 80309-430 ***** ***** ***** ***** Email: roldan@boulder.colorado.EDU ***** ***** Phone: (303) 492-7514 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Chuck Fleckentein) You should talk to Bill Bain (Intel). He wrote the original simulator for the iPSC/2. He has his own company also: Block Island Technologies 15455 NW Greenbrier Parkway Suite 210 Beaverton, Oregon 97006 (503) 690-7181 I believe his email address is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Joao Paulo Kitajima) "This document describes the implementation and use of a self-driven discrete event simulation model of a restricted class of MIMD (Multiple Instruction stream Multiple Data stream) machine and a distributed communicating sequential process program..." The tool is very flexible because you can simulate not only hypercubes, but any loosely-coupled architecture. Here goes the pointer: Skilling, Neil Department of Chemical Engineering The King's Buildings University of Edinburgh Mayfield Road - Edinburgh - EH9 1HA e-mail: (I think that for UK you have to change this order,i.e., tel: 031-650 4867 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: loran@Eng.Sun.COM (Loran Ball) Our simulator is written entirely in C and runs under Unix. It simulates a set of modules that pass messages back and forth. Modules can be anything but currently we have modules that together simulate some of our systems. Some of the modules we have are: SPARC processor SPARC floating point unit RAM ROM various MMU's various buses (ex. Mbus, Sbus) various I/O devices (serial, disk, etc) loran@Eng.Sun.COM (Loran Ball) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Modeling Internode Communication For Hypercube Architectures" by Upchurch and Neuse (SCS Summer Sim Conf, July 89). This paper is based on communication in the JPL Mark III hypercube.