Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!bionet!kristoff From: (David Kristofferson) Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience Subject: Re: Is there a mailserver/mailing list for bionet.neuroscience Message-ID: Date: 17 Apr 91 19:29:38 GMT References: <> Distribution: usa Organization: GenBank Online Service Lines: 346 > Is there a mailing list or mailserver that would allow access to this > news-group on a regular basis for both posting and receiving news articles? > Alternatively is there a PD mailserver that would allow local > redistribution/posting of news articles thru normal email? bionet.neuroscience is part of the BIOSCI newsgroup network. E-mail subscriptions are available for any of the bionet USENET newsgroups. Please contact the most convenient of the following addresses to request e-mail subscriptions. I also include our general BIOSCI information sheet below. Address Location Network ------- -------- ------- Ireland EARN/BITNET U.K. JANET Sweden Internet U.S.A. Internet/BITNET Sincerely, Dave Kristofferson GenBank Manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BIOSCI ELECTRONIC NEWSGROUP NETWORK The BIOSCI newsgroup network was developed to allow easy worldwide communications between biological scientists who work on a variety of computer networks. By having distribution sites or "nodes" on each major network, BIOSCI allows its users to contact people around the world without having to learn a variety of computer addressing tricks. Any user can simply post a message to his/her regional BIOSCI node (see list below) and copies of the message will be distributed automatically to all other subscribers on all of the participating networks. The following is a list of newsgroup topics available for distribution to sites on the Internet, USENET, BITNET, EARN, NETNORTH, HEANET, and JANET. Also below is a list of the various sites (nodes) that distribute the newsgroups, the address format for posting messages, and the addresses used for subscription/cancellation requests. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO USENET NEWS YOU DO NOT NEED AN E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION!! WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE ALL INTERESTED USERS TO EXPLORE GETTING USENET NEWS AT YOUR SITE. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR SYSTEMS MANAGER OR CONTACT FOR ASSISTANCE IF NEEDED. NEWSGROUP NAME TOPIC -------------- ----- AGEING Scientific Interest Group AGROFORESTRY Scientific Interest Group ARABIDOPSIS Newsgroup for the Arabidopsis Genome Project BIONAUTS Address & other info about biologists on networks BIONEWS General announcements of widespread interest to biologists BIO-JOURNALS Tables of Contents of biological journals BIO-MATRIX Applications of computers to biological databases BIO-SOFTWARE Information on software for the biological sciences CHROMOSOME-22 Mapping and Sequencing of Human Chromosome 22 COMPUTATIONAL-BIOLOGY ** Mathematical and computer applications in biology EMBL-DATABANK Messages to and from the EMBL database staff EMPLOYMENT Job opportunities GENBANK-BB Messages to and from the GenBank database staff GENETIC-LINKAGE Newsgroup for genetic linkage analysis GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION Scientific Interest Group HUMAN-GENOME-PROGRAM NIH-sponsored newsgroup on human genome issues METHODS-AND-REAGENTS Requests for information and lab reagents MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION Scientific Interest Group NEUROSCIENCE Scientific Interest Group POPULATION-BIOLOGY Scientific Interest Group PROTEIN-ANALYSIS Scientific Interest Group SCIENCE-RESOURCES Information from/about the funding agencies ** Note that newsgroups flagged with ** are moderated, i.e., postings are directed to a moderator (editor) who later forwards messages (possibly edited or condensed) to the newsgroup. The lists below include the addresses for posting messages and also the names of the corresponding UNIX USENET newsgroups. Messages can either be posted into the USENET newsgroups using "postnews" or similar software or they can be submitted by electronic mail to the mailing addresses given below. Messages are posted directly to the newsgroups without editorial intervention (except for groups designated with **). USENET users who use the "postnews" or similar software on their local computer should be sure to set the message distribution to "world." USENET groups are read using, e.g., the "readnews," "rn," or "vnews" software on UNIX systems. USENET news software is in the public domain and is available for most UNIX systems. A public domain USENET news software package named ANU-NEWS is also available for VAX/VMS systems. Your local BIOSCI node can point you towards acquiring the software for use on your computer system (BIOSCI addresses below). Those who use e-mail to post messages should send their mail to the most convenient of the following four BIOSCI sites. PLEASE REPLACE "address" IN THE FOLLOWING LIST WITH THE MAILING ADDRESS OF THE NEWSGROUP TO WHICH YOU WANT TO POST. The newsgroup mailing addresses are in a table further below. Address Location Network ------- -------- ------- Ireland EARN/BITNET U.K. JANET Sweden Internet U.S.A. Internet/BITNET For example, any of the following addresses can be used to post to the BIONEWS newsgroup: As another example, any of the following addresses can be used to post to the HUMAN-GENOME-PROGRAM newsgroup: In summary, the part of the posting address to the left of the @ comes from the list of newsgroups below. The part of the address to the right of the @ comes from the list of BIOSCI nodes above. YOU NEED ONLY SELECT ONE OF THE FOUR BIOSCI NODES, e.g., , AND USE IT FOR ALL OF YOUR POSTINGS, e.g. for the ARABIDOPSIS newsgroup. NEWSGROUP NAME Mailing Address USENET Newsgroup Name -------------- ---------------- --------------------- AGEING AGEING bionet.molbio.ageing AGROFORESTRY AG-FORST bionet.agroforestry ARABIDOPSIS ARAB-GEN bionet.genome.arabidopsis BIONAUTS BIO-NAUT bionet.users.addresses BIONEWS BIONEWS bionet.general BIO-JOURNALS BIO-JRNL bionet.journals.contents BIO-MATRIX BIOMATRX BIO-SOFTWARE BIO-SOFT CHROMOSOME-22 CHROM-22 bionet.genome.chrom22 COMPUTATIONAL-BIOLOGY ** COMP-BIO bionet.biology.computational EMBL-DATABANK EMBL-DB bionet.molbio.embldatabank EMPLOYMENT BIOJOBS GENBANK-BB GENBANKB bionet.molbio.genbank GENETIC-LINKAGE GEN-LINK bionet.molbio.gene-linkage GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION GENE-ORG bionet.molbio.gene-org HUMAN-GENOME-PROGRAM GNOME-PR bionet.molbio.genome-program METHODS-AND-REAGENTS METHODS bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION MOL-EVOL bionet.molbio.evolution NEUROSCIENCE NEUR-SCI bionet.neuroscience POPULATION-BIOLOGY POP-BIO bionet.population-bio PROTEIN-ANALYSIS PROTEINS bionet.molbio.proteins SCIENCE-RESOURCES SCI-RES bionet.sci-resources ** Note that newsgroups flagged with ** are moderated, i.e., postings are directed to a moderator (editor) who later forwards messages (possibly edited or condensed) to the newsgroup. Subscription Requests and other Information ------------------------------------------- There are FOUR main BIOSCI nodes. The BIOSCI nodes in Sweden, UK, and USA all have managers who can add new members to the newsgroups, whereas the BIOSCI node in Ireland allows for automatic subscription at LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET (see detailed instructions on LISTSERV use below). **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** TO MAKE THE MANAGEMENT/DEBUGGING OF THE BIOSCI NETWORK EASIER AND TO MINIMIZE NETWORK TRAFFIC, IT WOULD BE MOST HELPFUL IF THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES COULD BE ADHERED TO: **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** Address to request Your Geographical location subscriptions BIOSCI node location -------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------- Scandinavia & Cont. Europe Sweden (Internet) Ireland and Cont. Europe (see below!) Ireland (EARN/BITNET) United Kingdom UK (JANET) North and South America USA (Internet/BITNET) E-mail subscriptions can be requested by sending a message listing the names of the newsgroups to which you wish to subscribe to one of the addresses above. Plain English can be used in your subscription request at all sites except IRLEARN which requires a special format for automatic processing. The procedure for automatic subscription through LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET (primarily for EARN users) is described further below. The BIOSCI manager at IRLEARN may be reached personally by mailing to BIOSCI@IRLEARN.BITNET or BIOSCI@IRLEARN.UCD.IE. Users in other locations may contact whichever node is accessed most conveniently. Usually Pacific Rim countries are serviced by the USA node ( in California and IRLEARN in Ireland handles the Middle East, Africa, and central/southern Asia, especially if these sites are on BITNET. Canceling Subscriptions ----------------------- If you have subscribed to a newsgroup and are now leaving an institution or changing your e-mail address, it is IMPERATIVE that you send a note to one of the biosci addresses above and cancel your subscription. Non-existent addresses or overflowing mailboxes cause computer mail programs to send back "daemon" messages which might bother everybody on the newsgroup. We will immediately remove any address causing such a problem, but would prefer it if you would notify us in advance as a courtesy to the rest of the user community. Interruption of Service ----------------------- It is our policy to remove any address from our mailing lists which becomes inaccessible and causes mail to bounce back to the sender. This might happen to you if your local computer or network fails for a significant period of time. If you notice that you are no longer receiving BIOSCI postings, it may be because your address was removed for the above reason. It will be necessary for you to contact your closest BIOSCI node and resubscribe. Due to time limitations it is not possible for us to check back on troublesome addresses. *************************************************************************** *THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS FOR IRLEARN (European Academic Research Network)* * USERS ONLY!!! ALL OTHERS PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ABOVE!!! * *************************************************************************** Currently the LISTSERV service which allows automatic subscription is available from IRLEARN (NOT from any of the other BIOSCI nodes!). To subscribe to any of the newsgroups at IRLEARN, send a message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET or LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE containing one of the following lines in the body of your mail message to select the newsgroup of interest. If you want to belong to many different newsgroups then send all the subscriptions at once in a BATCH mail file. Replace your_personal_name in the list below with your own name. For example: SUBSCRIBE +BIONEWS John A. Doe SUBSCRIBE BIO+SOFT John A. Doe etc.... *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# \ Mail the message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET / * PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE DIRECTLY TO THE NEWSGROUP ADDRESS * #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# If you wish to cancel your subscription to a bulletin board, please send a similar message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET replacing SUBSCRIBE with the word SIGNOFF and omit your name, e.g., use simply SIGNOFF +BIONEWS It is also possible to cancel all LISTSERV subscriptions with a single command: SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# * PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR SIGNOFF MESSAGE TO THE NEWSGROUP ITSELF * #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Both subscription and cancellation requests are to be sent to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET Newsgroup Name Subscription/Cancellation Command -------------- ------------------------------------- AGEING SUBSCRIBE +AGEING your_personal_name SIGNOFF +AGEING AGROFORESTRY SUBSCRIBE AG+FORST your_personal_name SIGNOFF AG+FORST ARABIDOPSIS SUBSCRIBE ARAB+GEN your_personal_name SIGNOFF ARAB+GEN BIONAUTS SUBSCRIBE BIO+NAUT your_personal_name SIGNOFF BIO+NAUT BIONEWS SUBSCRIBE +BIONEWS your_personal_name SIGNOFF +BIONEWS BIO-JOURNALS SUBSCRIBE BIO+JRNL your_personal_name SIGNOFF BIO+JRNL BIO-MATRIX SUBSCRIBE +BIOMATR your_personal_name SIGNOFF +BIOMATR BIO-SOFTWARE SUBSCRIBE BIO+SOFT your_personal_name SIGNOFF BIO+SOFT CHROMOSOME-22 SUBSCRIBE CHROM+22 your_personal_name SIGNOFF CHROM+22 COMPUTATIONAL-BIOLOGY SUBSCRIBE COMP+BIO your_personal_name SIGNOFF COMP+BIO EMBL-DATABANK SUBSCRIBE EMBL+DB your_personal_name SIGNOFF EMBL+DB EMPLOYMENT SUBSCRIBE +BIOJOBS your_personal_name SIGNOFF +BIOJOBS GENBANK-BB SUBSCRIBE +GENBANK your_personal_name SIGNOFF +GENBANK GENETIC-LINKAGE SUBSCRIBE GEN+LINK your_personal_name SIGNOFF GEN+LINK GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION SUBSCRIBE GENE+ORG your_personal_name SIGNOFF GENE+ORG HUMAN-GENOME-PROGRAM SUBSCRIBE GNOME+PR your_personal_name SIGNOFF GNOME+PR METHODS-AND-REAGENTS SUBSCRIBE +METHODS your_personal_name SIGNOFF +METHODS MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION SUBSCRIBE MOL+EVOL your_personal_name SIGNOFF MOL+EVOL NEUROSCIENCE SUBSCRIBE NEUR+SCI your_personal_name SIGNOFF NEUR+SCI POPULATION-BIOLOGY SUBSCRIBE POP+BIO your_personal_name SIGNOFF POP+BIO PROTEIN-ANALYSIS SUBSCRIBE +PROTEIN your_personal_name SIGNOFF +PROTEIN SCIENCE-RESOURCES SUBSCRIBE SCI+RES your_personal_name SIGNOFF SCI+RES